Since my husband and I are on our way to the North Coast for our little anniversary getaway, here is a guest post from another one of my favorite bloggers who has a little boy the same age as Keenan, as well as one on the way! Thank you so much, Beth!

I am so very excited that Melissa contacted me and asked if I would write a guest blog for her while she’s gone and I hope she’s having a great time!

Rylnn and Mama

My name is Beth Sheridan and you can join me on my blog over at  Sugar Coated Sheridan where I write daily about my precious (almost) 3 year old son, Rylnn, and my new pregnancy!


(This was my 8 week ultrasound).

I was so excited when Melissa announced her pregnancy because I was just a few weeks behind her, with a little boy already about Keenan’s age, so I knew I would have a blog buddy that I could travel this new journey with.  I am 14 weeks along now with my second pregnancy and it has been COMPLETELY different than my first one.  I have been SUPER nauseous and tired and my usual blogging about my workouts and food have been replaced with me basically making it through the day without falling over asleep or throwing up.

Since my pregnancy has consumed the last 13 weeks of my life, I thought I would share with you some of the strange aversions and weirdness that I have been experiencing.

Bath and Body Works White Citrus Hand Soap

This is hands-down my favorite “clean” smelling soap ever and right now I can’t even begin to pump one little amount into my palm without my stomach going into fits.  And it’s not just this soap in particular, I also love Nivea Touch of Smoothness body wash because it is also very “clean” smelling to me but I can’t stomach it either.  It seems that now I have to lean towards the “fruity” smelling soaps and body washes and hopefully, I can smell “clean” again someday!



This one was tough!  I LOVE coffee.  Love is quite a strong word, but I don’t know if that even encompasses the feeling that I have toward coffee…Coffee and I have a relationship and it’s the longest and strongest one I’ve ever had J  However, from about week 7 until about a week ago, I didn’t want to smell it, touch it, taste it or even look at it.  WHAT?!?!  About 853 SEVERE caffeine headaches later, I think I finally did wean myself off the caffeine, and now I can take about half a cup per day, straight black.

Hot Showers

They absolutely hurt my bones…



One of my favorite snacks of all time…STILL turns my stomach.

Isn’t pregnancy just crazy?!  I am so very blessed to have one beautiful, healthy baby boy and I can’t wait until I can finally meet this precious one (and enjoy coffee again!) and to see Melissa’s as well!!

What weird cravings/aversions have you experienced in your life?