Not only do I feel like Halloween has sneaked up on me this year, but I feel like this pregnancy has all of a sudden sneaked up on me, too! It is crazy to think I’m 24 weeks already! I can only imagine how much faster things are going to go once the holidays are here.

24 weeks pregnant

Things are continuing to go well and I love feeling the baby kick all the time now. When I was putting Keenan to bed a few nights ago, I was laying beside him singing a song and the baby was kicking up a storm, so he got to feel his baby brother or sister kick several times! He was SO excited! Also, if you ask him what I am having, he still insists he is having a brother AND a sister!

24 weeks pregnant

Cravings: My cravings continue to be for salty, savory foods with the occasional dessert (which is why I made pumpkin cake last Sunday!). I’m still eating veggie chips like crazy, along with uncured salami and cheese. In this past week, I have gone back to breakfast sandwiches and wraps with egg whites, tomato, avocado and occasionally bacon!

Eating: Not as hungry as I was the past few weeks, but I can definitely still eat all the time!

Emotions: Happy, though just thinking about all of the things I need to do for the holidays and before the baby arrives makes me a little stressed!

Skin: My dark spots are continuing to lighten, though I did get another huge painful blemish on my chin the other day that doesn’t want to go away, ugh!

Weight gain: I’ve gained a total of 20 pounds so far, which my midwife says is perfectly fine, but I’m a little worried since I only gained 27 pounds with Keenan. I’m trying not to fret about it and continue to eat healthy for the most part, while not depriving my body either. So, we’ll see…

Workouts: Iā€™m still doing CrossFit four days a week in my backyard and almost done garage gym. I’ve pretty much stopped double unders, as they are just way too uncomfortable and make me feel like I’m going to pee my pants! I feel great and even more energized on the days I workout!

Sleep: Fortunately, I’ve been sleeping pretty well now that I’m using my body pillow. It’s amazing how much that pillow works wonders! I just can’t get over how CRAZY my dreams are!


Do you feel like Halloween has sneaked up on you?Ā 

If you have had multiple children, do you feel like each consecutive pregnancy has gone by even faster than the one before?

What has been your most craziest dream that you have remembered lately?