I’m already half-way through my pregnancy! Where did the time go? Time definitely passes by much faster the second time around than they did when I was pregnant with Keenan. Before we know it, it will be February when the baby is due (well, not quite, we still need to get through all of the holidays first!). Speaking of, I still can’t believe that Costco has their Christmas decorations already up…crazy!

20 Weeks Pregnant

Like my silly, excited eyes? We were all being goofy when we took pictures this evening!

Anyhow, last week, we had our second trimester ultrasound and everything looked good. The ultrasound tech asked us if we wanted to know the gender, but we stuck to our guns and didn’t find out. Keenan still thinks he has a baby brother and sister in my tummy, but luckily there is just one baby! He has made it clear that he wants both a brother and a sister, but when we ask him which one he wants first, it varies by the hour! We will just have to wait another 20 weeks!

20 Weeks Pregnant

Keenan insisted on wearing his fireman jacket and sunglasses for the picture, which he refused to take off until he took a bath!

Since my last update, I’m continuing to feel more significant kicks. Only a few more weeks until Keenan and my husband can start feeling them! I’m also trying to do a better job of truly savoring this pregnancy and cherishing each moment, as I did when I was pregnant with Keenan, but it’s certainly more challenging when you are chasing after a three-year old everyday!

Cravings: I’m still craving salty, savory foods like roasted potatoes, bacon, salami (which I finally found uncured-without any nitrites at Trader Joe’s!), pizza and veggie chips. I woke up one day last week and had a huge craving for veggie chips, random I know, but SO good! I love the actual veggie chips (sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, carrots, etc), not the potato chips with fake veggie powder. I’m also craving sweets, thus the reason I made those Double Chocolate Brownie Cookies last week!

Eating: My appetite has seemed to pick-up in the last week and I’m hungry all the time!

Emotions: Overall, pretty good. I am definitely a little more sensitive and emotional these days, but nothing too bad.

Skin: My skin is MUCH better! I still get occasional blemishes, but not the full blown acne that I had in the first trimester. I just wish the dark spots would go away!

Weight gain: I’ve gained a total of 17 pounds so far. I think it is a little higher than when I was pregnant with Keenan at this point, but I’m not going to worry about it. I eat healthy overall, so I’m not going to deprive myself of what I am craving!

Workouts: I’m still doing CrossFit in my backyard (hopefully in our garage gym soon!) four times a week with a couple of dance sessions thrown in here and there. I’m definitely having to modify more workouts since my belly is bigger. I just started to notice more pressure on my bladder when I do double unders, so we’ll see how long I can continue doing them! I still include running in some of my WODs, which feels fine, but I know that might change as my belly gets bigger. Overall, I feel great!

Sleep: So far I have been sleeping well (keeping my fingers crossed that this continues!), with the exception of CRAZY dreams! I still can’t get over how weird and wild some of my dreams are!


Have you eaten veggie chips? Do you like them or would you prefer to indulge in regular chips?

Any tips or recommendations on ways to lighten the dark spots from my acne that is safe during pregnancy?

If you have been pregnant, did you stress over how much weight you gained or didn’t gain?