I can’t believe I’m in my third trimester and already 30 weeks along! Really, where did the weeks go? It’s crazy to think that I only have two months left and we still have so much to do! Once we get through the holidays, January is going to be focused on getting the baby’s room ready and sorting through all of Keenan’s baby stuff. My goal is to have everything done by Feb. 1st (due date is Feb. 20), so in case the baby comes early (which my husband and I both had a dream that it came early, eek!), we are all set.

30 weeks pregnant

Anyhow, enough of my anxious rambling. Everything is continuing to go well, aside from developing sciatica on my right hip/lower back. I had it with Keenan when I reached my third trimester, so it is no surprise that I have it again with this baby, ugh! Stretching and foam rolling doesn’t seem to work, but I’m hoping to schedule a few massages over the next couple of months to help. We’ll see.

30 weeks pregnant

Cravings: Still salty and savory foods, although I have been craving a dutch crunch apple pie that I plan to make this weekend. One new food thing that I have been enjoying this week is pub mix from Costco. Prior to being pregnant, I would NEVER buy it, but after passing it the other day, I had to have it! It is so addicting!

Eating: Seem to be more hungry again!

Emotions: Happy, though still feeling slightly stressed with doing our Church’s Christmas pageant, getting ready for the holidays and then for the baby. As my husband always says, one step at a time!

Skin: Continuing to stay mostly clear, thank goodness!

Weight gain: I’ve gained a total of 26 pounds so far, so not too bad. It seems the weight gain is a little slower than it was in my first and second trimesters, but we’ll see. My midwife still estimates I’ll gain 35 lbs, yikes!

Workouts: I’m still doing CrossFit four days a week, though with my sciatica, I’ve had to do some more scaling. I’m no longer running, doing overhead squats or deadlifts. I’m hoping to continue doing front and back squats, but I’ll have to see how it feels. I still feel great (aside from the sciatica) and plan to continue working out until the big day!

Sleep: Sleeping very well, but my dreams are still CRAZY!


Have you tried pub mix?

Do you prefer salty/savory or sweet snacks?

For all of you mommies, did you have crazy and/or weird dreams when you were pregnant?