Instead of doing a traditional Thursday Tidbits post today, I thought I would give an update on my pregnancy with baby #2. Though I’m only 10 weeks, I feel like I’m showing already and feeling more pregnant than I was with Keenan at this time. Everyone says you show a lot sooner the second time around, but I didn’t think it would happen this fast! At least I can still fit into most of my pants and shorts, though they are definitely getting a little snug at the waist. It’s interesting, with the way I have been eating the past weeks (and not working out during the move), I thought for sure I had gained a ton of weight, but the scale remained the same. My belly has just grown! It’s amazing how quickly your body shifts and adjusts to adapt to the growing baby!

Here is picture that I took today. I took it right after I ate, so I think my belly is slightly more bloated looking than it really is (at least I like to think so!). After taking these pictures, I realized how tired I truly look! Feeling tired is just a normal part of my life these days, so I’ve just learned to run with it, though I’m REALLY hoping my energy starts to pick back up after 12 weeks!

10 Weeks Pregnant

Of course, Keenan had to take a picture with me, too!

Mommy and son

Cravings: Deli sandwiches, turkey with hard boiled eggs, roasted salted nuts, raisin bran, popcorn, salty foods, Mexican food and sweet/savory desserts.  

Feelings: Good for the most part, except for being tired. If I don’t eat every few hours, I start to feel a little queasy, so having snacks handy at all times is vital!

Workouts: Since we returned from the beach, I have been working out daily in our backyard, creating WODs using body weight movements, my jump rope and kettle bell. I’m hoping to mix things up a bit by going for a run later this afternoon.

Forgetfulness: The mommy brain has come back in force! If I don’t write it down, I forget it. My husband will say something to me and the next moment, I will have completely forgotten about it, ugh! I find this the most frustrating out of all the pregnancy symptoms I have been experiencing. Though I can’t be too hard on myself, because my husband is pretty forgetful as it is and he doesn’t have any excuses!

Next week, we meet with our midwife for the first time and then it’s all of the prenatal testing, FUN! For some reason, I completely forgot about all of the first and second trimester screenings. Anyhow, we are excited to have chosen our midwife and we look forward to having her support throughout our journey with baby #2. I’ll post more details soon!


If you have been pregnant, what were some of your symptoms? Any weird cravings?

If you have had multiple pregnancies, did your belly grow a lot sooner with each pregnancy? Did you gain weight sooner?