Today, we are definitely back to the grind. The laundry is finally done, folded and put away. I prepared our dinner this morning (spaghetti squash tomato bake, with ground turkey added for a one-pot meal) while Keenan hauled all of his kitchen things in the trailer behind his trike. I also hosted a play group at our house for my MOMs Club. It was quite a productive morning!

Loading up his trailer!

After the play group, we had lunch. I made Keenan a pork and cheese sandwich (using the left over country style boneless pork ribs from our dinner last night) with carrots and some of my pluot. I made myself a turkey and pork sandwich with lettuce, tomato and mustard, along with baby carrots and a pluot. I just love pluots, because they are tart and sweet, a nice balance between a plum and an apricot. I’m not much of a fan of fresh apricots (I love them dried!) or plums, but I love the combo in the pluot!

Anyhow, after Keenan gets up from his nap, we are heading to CrossFit (my triceps are still sore from yesterday’s ring dips!) and then home for our easy dinner. Speaking of, look for the recipe of the spaghetti squash tomato bake with my addition of turkey coming tomorrow!

Onto my review of Moustache Baked Goods in Healdsburg, CA and a recap of our weekend Part 2:

Part of the wonderful display at Moustache Baked Goods!

On our way to Gualala last week, Keenan and I randomly stopped into Moustache Baked Goods, as we were waiting for my husband. The moment you walk in the door and see the wonderful display of cupcakes, you know you are in for a VERY special treat! The aroma of coffee and baked goods is heavenly! Since there were so many cupcakes to choose from, we decided on The Milkman (Keenan’s pick): chocolate cake topped with housemade oreo cream frosting, The Butcher: vanilla cake with maple spice frosting and crispy local bacon and The Local: almond cake with honey mousse filling and a blood orange frosting. All three cupcakes were delish! It goes to show that scratch-baking really pays off, because my husband and I aren’t usually fans of cupcakes. Honestly, they were the best cupcakes I have ever eaten in my life. All three cupcakes were super moist, full of flavor, and perfectly balanced (not overly sweet). I have to say the best one was The Butcher (my husband’s favorite); I never thought maple and bacon could taste so good together, especially in a cupcake! My husband is really picky about savory-sweet cupcakes, and he said that their bacon-maple version is the BEST he’s ever tried. Oh, I can’t forget about the coffee that I ordered, the Macchiato; it was nothing like I’ve ever had. It was served in a small cup with a shot of espresso and warmed cream. It was SO rich and creamy, I didn’t need to add any sweetener! I can still taste it in my mouth!

The Butcher cupcakes…SOOOOO good!

Since everything was so delicious at Moustache Baked Goods, we had to stop in again on our way back to Healdsburg, before the wedding. We wanted to try some different cupcakes and I wanted my husband to try their coffee. We ordered The Miller: meyer lemon olive oil cake filled with lemon curd topped with meyer lemon cream frosting, The Outlaw: chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and caramel filled with sea salt and their chocolate cupcake with peanut butter frosting. Again, everything was amazing. In addition, I ordered a Cappuccino and my husband had the Macchiato. Once again, my cappuccino was so creamy and rich from the espresso and milk that I didn’t need to add any sweetener (my definition of an excellent coffee)! My husband enjoyed his Macchiato so much that he sucked it down in seconds (so much for sipping a nice coffee!). Keenan certainly loved all of the cupcakes, as he practically ate half of each one with his huge bites! Needless to say, Moustache Baked Goods will not disappoint! It is a must-stop if you are ever in Healdsburg, or passing through!! After writing this, my mouth is watering, even though I just ate lunch. I guess we will have to head back to Healdsburg, sooner, rather than later!

Our second set of cupcakes that we snacked on before the wedding!

My beautiful Cappuccino!

On Sunday morning, we joined my uncle and his partner at their church, Community Church of Sebastopol. It was so great to see my uncle and his partner, since we hadn’t seen them in several months. The church service was wonderful: the music was fantastic (my uncle plays the piano and organ) and we enjoyed listening to their great pastor. He had a great sermon, so relevant to our lives. Also, everyone was so friendly and welcoming.

After church, we stayed for the luncheon/carnival and Keenan had a blast playing all of the games. He won quite a few prizes: a a cupcake, a couple of small rubber bouncy balls and three little cars. All in all, we had a wonderful morning and we can’t wait to see my uncle and his partner again, soon!

Question of the day: What special dishes or foods that you ate during a recent outing or meal make your mouth water when you think of them?