I’m sorry this post is so late, but today was one busy and exhausting day. It started off by not sleeping well last night, since Keenan woke up twice (first time to go to the bathroom and the second time he wet his bed). After changing his bed and getting him cleaned up, I had a hard time going back to sleep, so I was exhausted when I woke up. Fortunately, I pressed snooze and skipped my early morning workout (which through the rest of the day off in getting everything I wanted to get done) to get as much sleep as I could get before Keenan woke up.

The day got better when we met up with our friends, Giselle and her little boy, for a play date and picnic at a park. The boys had a lot of fun playing together and it was great to catch-up! Keenan played hard so I thought he would definitely fall asleep in the car and be easily transferred to his bed when we got home, allowing me to take a quick nap, workout and do some blogging, but only the workout happened (with Keenan playing beside me). He was wide awake and wired this afternoon, partly due to trying to go number two when we got home and not being able to. The good ol’ poop always messes with his naps!


Having a blast playing together!

Anyhow, enough of my ranting. I’m way too tired to put my thoughts together, so today is my blog “rest day.” I had a fun post planned for today, but all I can think of is crawling into my bed and getting some sleep! I will see you all tomorrow!


Have you ever been so exhausted that you are unmotivated to do anything? 

How do you get through your day when you are too tired to even think straight?

For all of you veteran mommies, how did you get your kids to stop wetting the bed? I know Keenan is young, but he does great for a while (a week or two) and then goes back to wetting the bed a couple times a week.