As promised, here is a picture and the recipe for the salad that we had for dinner last night. It was good, but I had to tweak it a little to add more flavor. I found that if you follow the recipe exactly, it is a little bland.

Basil Peach Salad (aka Peach Salad with Basil Oil) adapted from Women’s Health Magazine:

Ingredients: (serves 4)

3 ripe peaches, sliced into thin wedges

3 cups arugula

4 oz. fresh mozzarella cut into 1 -inch cubes

2 Tbsp chopped roasted walnuts

3 Tbsp olive oil

2 Tbsp white wine vinegar

1 cup fresh basil

1/4 tsp salt


1. In a large bowl, toss the peaches, arugula, mozzarella and nuts.

2. Put oil, vinegar, basil and salt in a blender or food processor and combine until smooth.

3. Drizzle dressing on salad and toss. Divide salad amongst 4 serving plates.

Since the salad was our entire dinner (not as a side) and I only had one bag of arugula, I added a head of romaine lettuce. I also halved the amount of cheese, since the salad was only for the two of us (not 4 people as the recipe states) and added 3 oz. of chopped chicken (for each of us) for additional protein. For the dressing, I added 2 Tbsp of balsamic vinegar and pepper for more flavor. Also, I was too lazy to get our food processor or blender out, so I finely chopped the basil and just added it with the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper to my salad dressing maker/emulsifier. Even though the dressing was not pureed, it came out just fine.  My husband really liked the salad, so I think we will be making this again! I guess it was hearty enough for him, Lol!

Show me the ice cream cones!

Today has been all about the silly’s and being goofy! Keenan has been in a giggly mood all day, which has been a lot of fun! This morning, after our “usual” breakfast (and my latte), we played with his ice cream cones. Keenan was laughing every time an ice cream scoop fell off! He also kept telling me to take bites from the “high parts,” what we tell him when he eats a real ice cream cone! After we played for a bit, we headed to my favorite store, Nordstrom, to return a few things.

Once we got home, we had lunch. Since we got home a little late, I made Keenan his favorite sandwich again (peanut butter and honey) with applesauce and a glass of milk. Since we had some leftover mozzarella cheese from last night’s dinner, I made a caprese salad for myself, using the rest of our grape tomatoes and fresh basil from our yard, along with some baby carrots, of course. It was delicious! While Keenan and I were eating our lunch, he wanted to try one of my carrots. Since he only has 10 teeth (2 top molars), it is hard for him to chew really hard things like carrots, so we have to cook them. I gave him a small carrot and he did a pretty good job of crunching it with his front teeth. Though, he had a hard time chewing the rest, thus keeping the pieces of carrots in his mouth for FOREVER! As I was getting him ready for his nap, i.e. changing his diaper and sitting him on the potty, I asked him to swallow the rest of the carrots and if not, give them to me, so he wouldn’t choke on them while he slept. As he spit the carrots out and into my hand, a few pieces of carrots fell on my arm and onto the changing table which made Keenan laugh hysterically! Keenan kept laughing and saying, “What’s that? A piece of carrot!” It was so funny, we were both laughing so hard, that we had tears in our eyes! I haven’t had a good belly laugh like that in a long time! It reminded me of a scene from an “I Love Lucy” episode, my favorite TV show!

Yumm…a Caprese Salad! It brings back memories of Italy.

Caprese Salad: (serves 1)


1/2 cup basil (chiffonade)

1 cup grape or cherry tomatoes (cut in half)

3 oz. fresh mozzarella cheese (cut into 1-inch cubes)

1 tsp olive oil

2 tsp balsamic vinegar

pinch of salt and pepper


1. Place basil, tomatoes and mozzarella into a small bowl.

2. Toss salad with olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, until well mixed. Enjoy!

This afternoon, we are heading to CrossFit for our third workout, after getting back from Alaska. My quads are STILL so sore from Tuesday’s WOD of 150 wallballs! Today is supposed to be a long workout, so it should be good! On the menu for tonight is Kale sauteed with mushrooms, red onion, sun dried tomatoes, italian sausage and feta cheese! What are you having for dinner tonight? Do you have any other ideas for cooking with kale?