With Thanksgiving next week, I always love to go into the big day with a game plan so I don’t overindulge and feel like I’ve eaten my weight in calories. I plan to eat a little bit of everything, and only go back for a second helping on something I MUST have again (unless I’m still hungry). I try to stick to the “handful method” of everything on my plate the size of a handful so I don’t go overboard. Most of the time, I come away feeling good and not overly stuffed, until dessert time, ha! Anyhow, here are my six simple healthy holiday eating tips that help keep me in check during the holiday season.

Six Simple Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

1. Munch on something! Prior to going to my family gathering, I like to eat a small snack that contains some protein and carbs, such as a handful of almonds or slice of cheese and a couple of apple slices. I’ll be more apt to make better choices since I won’t be starving.

2. Don’t “save yourself” Much to popular belief, fasting all day to save up your calories until the big meal is actually counterproductive. It only slows your metabolism. Instead of holding out until the big meal, I eat normally throughout the day, except in smaller portions to save up some calories until our turkey dinner and dessert (since there will be so many goodies to try!).

3. Lighten up! Like I said above, I eat normally (breakfast and lunch with a snack in the afternoon) like I do everyday, except I eat lighter, in smaller portions to save some calories for our big dinner. I make sure to include lots of veggies, protein and a little fruit in each of my meals to keep my metabolism running as usual.

4. Size IS everything! Instead of eating with my eyes and dishing out myself large portions since everything looks so good, I use my hand as a guide. I make sure that everything on my plate is the size of my handful. This way, I get a little bit of everything without being overly stuffed.

5. It’s not a race: Thanksgiving is about spending time with your loved ones, so I make sure to slow down, enjoy my meal, savor each bite while catching up with my relatives. As a mom, I’m used to eating quickly (and when I can) while multitasking, but not on Thanksgiving. I want to make the meal last and enjoy the moment.

6. Work up a sweat! Since working out on Thanksgiving never seems to happen for me, I make sure to workout the day before and the day after. Knowing that I got my workouts in helps me feel not so guilty when I indulge in all of those wonderful pumpkin desserts!


Any other tips that you can share?

What are you looking forward to the most about Thanksgiving?