Keenan napping on Daddy’s back while hiking in Costa Rica!

Do you ever wish you could sleep-in until noon and wear your PJ’s all day? For some reason, today is that day for me. Even though I went to bed at a decent hour last night and technically should have gotten 8 hours of sleep, I am still SO tired! Keenan even slept-in a little this morning, so I should have no excuse for being tired! I guess it is a two cup (or more) of coffee kind of a day!

Speaking of sleep, I am fortunate that Keenan is a child who needs a lot of it (like I was when I was younger, and even now, as an adult, I need 8-9 hours to feel at my best). He started sleeping through the night (at least 6 hours) by 3 months and then he gradually increased to 8-9 hours by 4-5 months and at 6 months, he was sleeping at least 10 hours at night, with 2 naps during the day. Today, at almost two years old, he sleeps between 11-12 hours at night and takes an afternoon nap for 2-3 hours. On his best days, he gets a total of 14 1/2 to 15 hours of sleep! People have asked me how I was able to get Keenan to sleep through the night, and I believe it was attributable to three things: First, I implemented a daily routine of: eat, play, sleep that I adapted from the books, “The Baby Whisperer” and “Baby Wise” that I repeated over an over throughout the day, until bed time (keeping him up at least 2 1/2 – 3 hours before bedtime). Both books discuss the importance of routine vs. schedule and that by following a routine, your baby will learn its’ days from its’ nights, thus being able to sleep through the night. Secondly, Keenan started cluster feeding in the late afternoon/early evening, nursing every hour (for at least 30 minutes!) the last few hours before bed time, which helped him to “load-up” his tummy before bed. Lastly, if he woke-up in the middle of the night (once Keenan was 12 weeks old), my husband went in to comfort him back to sleep, instead of me, to make sure he didn’t associate food (aka…the boob) with waking-up. The first 3 nights were tough, but after the fourth day, he would pretty much go right back to sleep. After a couple of weeks, he wasn’t waking-up during the night anymore. In the end, I am not sure if it was one thing or all three things that helped Keenan sleep through the night at such an early age, but I will implement them with our future children and hopefully they will work just as well!

How many hours of sleep do you regularly get? How many hours of sleep do you need to function and feel at your best? Do your children sleep through the night?

Since Keenan and his cousin are napping, due to a very busy morning of playing outside and visiting a miniature pony ranch, I think I may take a nap, too! Have a great rest of your weekend!