Is it just me or did May fly by? I can’t believe Keenan completed his first year of preschool (his last day was yesterday) and Summer is already here! It’s crazy how fast this year is going!

Last day of preschool

To keep us busy and having fun this Summer, Keenan and I created a “Summer bucket list” that is chalk full of activities and things to do for the next couple of months. I plan to type this up, post the list in a place that we all can see, and as we complete an activity, Keenan can cross it off. Even though he can’t read, Keenan can count how many things we have done, as well as talk about which one we want to do next. Putting the list together was a fun activity in itself!

Here is what is on our bucket list for this Summer:

1. Go Swimming at Nonna and Avos’ at least 4 days a week

2. Take swimming lessons.

3. Go to Lodi’s World of Wonders Science Museum.

4. Go to Stockton’s Children Museum with his cousin.

5. See a children’s movie.

6. Go to a local lake to swim and have a picnic.

7. Make homemade ice cream.

8. Make homemade popsicles.

9. Pick peaches (and make a pie or a crisp!).

10. Make fresh peach milkshakes.

11. Ride on the tractor and go to “work” with Daddy and Avo on the ranch.

12. Go to San Joaquin County’s Ag Fest

13. Visit the Zoo.

14. Go to a splash park.

15. Run through our sprinklers.

16. Go to the beach and go tide pooling.

17. Participate in our local library’s Summer reading program

18. Have a weekly family movie night with popcorn.

19. Make homemade play doh (something I’ve been wanting to do before Mirella was born!)

20. Have weekly play dates with friends.

Also, if you are on twitter, the CDC is hosting a great chat on staying safe and healthy while swimming this Summer with Olympian Missy Franklin today at 2 p.m. EST. They had a great chat last year and I get the privilege of participating again! You can tune in here!

Have a great weekend!


What is on your bucket list for this Summer?