My mom makes the best banana bars. When she makes a batch, they hardly last a day because everyone devours them! Since I had some over-ripe bananas lying around, I decided to make some,...
Almond Flour
Tagged: Almond Flour
Roasted Butternut Squash Almond Flour Pizza Crust

Since my husband and I were both craving pizza (but we didn’t want to order in or make a traditional pizza), we decided to try something new using the ingredients we had on hand....
Green Flax Banana Nut Pancakes

Now, one of favorite pancake recipes!
Keenan requested pancakes yesterday morning, so I thought it would be fun to experiment a little, adding spinach, ground flax seed and some almond flour. I was pleasantly surprised at how good they turned out! They...
Salmon Burgers

Last Friday, my husband and I were both craving burgers, so we decided to use the leftover salmon in our freezer and make salmon patties! They turned out so good that we will definitely...