Baby #2

Tagged: Baby #2

Life As I Know It…

I had an entirely different post planned for today, but after putting Keenan down for his nap and having some quiet time to myself, I started thinking about life, when Keenan was first born...


MIMM – Getting Ready for Baby #2!

Happy Monday! I have to say I’m kind of bummed that our nice little holiday break is over and it’s time to face reality, i.e. get ready for baby #2 that is coming in...


Pregnancy Update – 26 Weeks!

I know I’ve said this before, but I just can’t believe how fast this year is going (half-way through November, really?) and how fast my pregnancy is going. Honestly, where did the time go?...


Pregnancy Update – 20 Weeks!

I’m already half-way through my pregnancy! Where did the time go? Time definitely passes by much faster the second time around than they did when I was pregnant with Keenan. Before we know it,...


If Men Were Pregnant…

Almost to the weekend, though I’m not sure I’m fully (mentally) ready for our team competition this weekend, The Sactown Throwdown. It should be fun, but the weather doesn’t look so good…rainy, windy and...
