I can pass up plain chocolate, but if it’s paired with peanut butter, then it’s all over! Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a HUGE PB-and-chocolate fan. I’ve been known to take a...
Tagged: Chocolate
10 Chocolate Desserts For Valentine’s Day (Healthy and Not-So-Healthy Ones!)

I don’t know about you, but Valentine’s Day always says chocolate to me! Even though my husband and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day since his birthday is the next day and my mom’s...
My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (that isn’t "healthy")
TGIF! I’ve been anxious for Friday to get here to share with you my new FAVORITE chocolate chip cookie recipe! Let me just warn you that these cookies are no where near healthy, in...
My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe (that isn’t “healthy”)
TGIF! I’ve been anxious for Friday to get here to share with you my new FAVORITE chocolate chip cookie recipe! Let me just warn you that these cookies are no where near healthy, in...
Healthier Funky Monkey Brownies

I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! We had a nice weekend getting more things done around the house, well, more specifically my garage gym! My husband installed my pull up bars, so now...