We took down our tree and decorations yesterday, and I have to say I feel a bit sad (not to mention our house seems a little bare now), because Christmas is all over. We had such...
Tagged: Christmas
Merry Christmas!

I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! We are having my family over for dinner after church tonight, enjoying our first Christmas morning as a family of four tomorrow and then...
MIMM – A Marvelous Break And Christmas!
Happy Monday and almost New Year’s Eve! I hope you all had a fabulous week and Christmas (for those of you who celebrate it)! I took a break from everything, including blogging and it...
Friday Favorites!
Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s the last Friday before Christmas! I’m so excited for the holidays because Keenan is SO excited this year, not to mention that my brother, sister-in-law and nieces are...
MIMM – Marvelous Weekend of Cooking!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Before I go into the weekend, today is marvelous because my Crustless Broccoli Cheddar Quiche is featured on Everyday Health!! You can check it out here! Anyhow, I can’t believe...
MIMM – Wonderful Thanksgiving and The Arrival of Peanut!
Happy Monday and the second day of December already! I’m sad the long holiday weekend is over because it was nice to be home enjoying some quality family time together since my husband was...
Six Simple Healthy Holiday Eating Tips
With Thanksgiving tomorrow and Christmas only four weeks away (I know, I just said that!), I thought I would put together a few simple healthy holiday eating tips to help you survive the two...
Holiday Recap and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I can’t believe it is already 2013! The past two weeks flew by at light speed, not to mention the entire year of 2012! Our New Year’s was pretty low-key. Since...
Merry Christmas…a Little Late!
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! Sorry that this is so late, I had a few remote blogging issues and thought that this had posted. Anyhow, we enjoyed a beautiful white Christmas (our...