
Tagged: Fall

WIAW – Random Fall Eats

Happy Hump Day! If you follow me on instagram, you have probably seen some of my latest “Fall eats,” aka lots of pumpkin foods. I can’t seem to get enough! I LOVE pumpkin everything!...


WIAW – All About Dinner!

Happy Hump Day! I’m up bright and early this morning to attend an all-day seminar on understanding cravings and emotions to receive continuing education credits for my personal training and wellness coach certifications, so...


MIMM – A Perfect Fall Weekend!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! We had a great time with my in-laws, enjoying the Fall weather and getting ready for the newest addition to our family to arrive on...


Pumpkin Pie Oat Pancakes

It’s official…we heard back from the shelter yesterday and we have officially adopted the sweet little puppy!! We are so excited! She gets spayed on Tuesday and then we get to bring her home! Anyhow,...
