Happy Monday (although I’m not quite ready for the week to start)! Our friends got married on Saturday and had a lovely wedding. My husband did a great job officiating their wedding and everything...
Tagged: MIMM
Baked Pumpkin Cinnamon Sugar Doughnuts
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! Our weekend could have been a little more marvelous, but my husband cut his thumb all the way down to the bone with a box...
Double Chocolate Brownie Cookies

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! We had a wonderful weekend enjoying a nice date night on Friday seeing “The Family,” which was good, but not excellent, an amazing dinner that left...
MIMM – Another Marvelous Weekend!
Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! We had a super busy, but fun-filled weekend at our church festival. Since things were so busy, we are all in need of one...
Marvelous At The Coast And My Guest Post!
Happy Monday! My husband and I are having a marvelous time at the coast! It has been so nice to just relax, read, gaze out at the ocean and not keep to a schedule!...
A Marvelous Weekend!
I can’t believe it’s already Monday and tonight we have Keenan’s preschool orientation and tomorrow is the “meet and greet” for the kids to see the school and meet their teacher.Time flies by WAY...
Marvelous In My Monday With Some Tasty Eats!
Happy Monday! Was it just me, or did this past weekend come and go way too fast? We enjoyed some nice family time, good eats and Keenan’s first movie! It was definitely a marvelous...
Marvelous In My Monday
Happy Monday! I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! We had a wonderful time with our friends this past weekend catching up (since we hadn’t seem them in SO long), watching the kids...
Bruschetta With Cherry Tomatoes and Fresh Basil…A Marvelous Appetizer!

Happy Monday! We had a marvelous, productive weekend that included an “at home date night” on Friday starting with one of my favorite appetizers…Bruschetta! Who doesn’t love grilled bread spread with olive oil and...
A Marvelous Weekend Settling In and Enjoying Family
Happy Monday! I’m so sorry I have been absent the past couple of weeks. With living at my parents’ the first week that we moved (since we weren’t able to live in our house),...