These paleo cookies are one of my family’s favorite recipes, in fact my husband thinks they are some of the best cookies he has ever eaten (which is saying a lot)! They are not...
Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies
Tagged: Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies
Thursday Tidbits: Healthy Snack Ideas
Almost to the weekend! I can’t wait for Saturday because a couple of my friends and I are planning a “girls” afternoon of shopping while our significant others babysit the kids. It should be...
Friday Favorites and New Link Up!
TGIF! I’m SO excited it is Friday, because my friend and her daughter are coming into town this afternoon! They are spending the next three days with us, so it will be a lot of fun...
What I Ate Wednesday: More Paleo Eats
Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone is having a good day! It is a beautiful cold and rainy day here, a perfect excuse to stay in and cuddle up on the couch with a...
Friday Favorites
TGIF! I’m SO excited it is Friday because my husband and I are heading to Auburn, a small town in the foothills east of Sacramento, tomorrow to have dinner at Carpe Vino and stay...
What I Ate Wednesday + Coconut Whipped Cream and A New Slow-Cooker Recipe!

Peanut got into Keenan’s legos this morning! Again, Keenan wasn’t pleased with her playing with his legos and immediately asked me to put them away, since he couldn’t reach them (she was sitting on...
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
I hope you a had a nice weekend! We had a great weekend, though a tad busy, but definitely a productive one! Among attending our good friends’ baby’s baptism on Saturday and having dinner...
It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
I hope you a had a nice weekend! We had a great weekend, though a tad busy, but definitely a productive one! Among attending our good friends’ baby’s baptism on Saturday and having dinner...
Friday Favorites + Paleo Chocolate Chip Protein Cookies!

TGIF! I’m SO glad it is Friday; it has been quite a week with being sick, still trying to get some good training time in for next week’s competition, as well projects completed for...