This has been something I have wanted to write about for awhile, but once we got back from the beach, it really hit home. Since having Mirella, I’ve been struggling to find a healthy balance...
Tagged: Parenting
The Influence of Other Children…
We are still sick over here. Unfortunately, Keenan woke up with a hoarse voice and a slight cough this morning, so he is coming down with the same thing as what my husband and...
Consistency in Parenting
It seems that whenever we are going on vacation or getting away for a few days, there is always a ton to do before we leave! My husband’s birthday is Friday (the day after...
Traveling For the Holidays and Sacramento Bloggers December Meetup

Candied walnuts, pasta sauce and noodles!
“Peanut” was hiding this morning, sitting at the head of of our table. It took Keenan a long time to finally find her. He kept looking on the couch, around his play area and...
A Not-So-Marvelous Monday
Well, today was probably one of the worst days, as far as “bad mommy” moments goes. Keenan finally started feeling better Saturday evening and didn’t have a fever anymore, but last night and today...