Happy Monday! I just love peach season because I can eat peaches all day, everyday. They are my favorite fruit and when I was pregnant with Keenan, I ate at least three a day!...
Peach cobbler
Tagged: Peach cobbler
Peach Cobbler – A Grain Free Version for WIAW

Happy Hump Day! Since I have been craving LOTS of sweets lately and I had one remaining bag of peaches from the orchard by my parents’ house, I decided to make a peach cobbler...
Monday, Monday
“Monday, monday (ba-da ba-da-da-da) So good to me (ba-daba-da-da-da) Monday mornin, it was all I hoped it would be…” Since I’m up early this morning, the song, “Monday, Monday” by The Mamas and The...
TGIF: At Home Date Night
TGIF! I’m SO glad it is Friday! Even though the week went by fast, it was a long one! Did anyone else feel that way? Since I really didn’t have a relaxing or restful...