I can pass up plain chocolate, but if it’s paired with peanut butter, then it’s all over! Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a HUGE PB-and-chocolate fan. I’ve been known to take a...
Peanut butter
Tagged: Peanut butter
Nuts 'n more Review and Giveaway!

When I see a new nut butter on the market, I always want to try it, especially since so many offer their own unique ingredients and flavorings. When I saw nuts ‘n more, I was...
Nuts ‘n more Review and Giveaway!

When I see a new nut butter on the market, I always want to try it, especially since so many offer their own unique ingredients and flavorings. When I saw nuts ‘n more, I was...
Healthier Funky Monkey Brownies

I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! We had a nice weekend getting more things done around the house, well, more specifically my garage gym! My husband installed my pull up bars, so now...
Funky Monkey Cookies

My husband actually stumbled upon a recipe for Chunky Monkey Cookies a while ago. I was intrigued since the recipe was so simple and all of the ingredients were so good for you! I...
What I Ate Wednesday
Happy Hump Day! Wow, what a chaotic early morning we had today! We scheduled some people to come and clean our tile and grout downstairs (thanks to a great groupon deal!), since we have...
Happy Birthday, Keenan!
Two years ago, today, our lives changed forever. My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world. I can’t believe it has already been two years! It seems like yesterday that...
Back to reality
We are back to our regular routine today… having our “usual” breakfast with Fage 0% Greek yogurt (Mountain High Original whole-fat for Keenan), strawberries, flax seed, chia seeds and Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal...
A somewhat relaxing Saturday
Today was somewhat of a relaxing day, aside from running last minute errands and getting things ready for our trip. Since Keenan is still getting over his cold (he came down with it a...
I don’t know what it is…maybe too many things on my mind lately or just “mommy brain”, but unless I write things down, I easily forget them. With that said, I completely forgot to...