Pumpkin Pie Oat Pancakes

Tagged: Pumpkin Pie Oat Pancakes

WIAW – What I Have Been Craving…

Happy Hump Day! I still can’t believe Halloween is tomorrow, but I’m SUPER excited to take Keenan trick-or-treating and pass out candy. Our neighbors have warned us that there are a lot of trick-or-treaters,...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! I’m ready for Friday as we are off to the pumpkin patch today and to see my in-laws. We also have a birthday party tomorrow and then Sunday we are gathering things...


Pumpkin Pie Oat Pancakes

It’s official…we heard back from the shelter yesterday and we have officially adopted the sweet little puppy!! We are so excited! She gets spayed on Tuesday and then we get to bring her home! Anyhow,...
