Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl

Tagged: Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl

4 Ways To Cook Spaghetti Squash And More!

Spaghetti squash is my favorite Fall vegetable, aside from pumpkin, of course. Spaghetti squash is very versatile, so easy to make (well, cutting it open can be a little tricky!) and such a great...


WIAW – Typical Day of Eats

Happy Hump Day! It’s been a while since I’ve done a regular What I Ate Wednesday post, because to be honest, I haven’t been good at taking pictures of my meals lately. I’m not...


WIAW – In A Few Pictures!

Happy Hump Day! I hope you are enjoying your week so far and getting ready for the holidays (only a week left, can you believe it?). I’m almost ready, just a few more gifts...


WIAW – All About Dinner!

Happy Hump Day! I’m up bright and early this morning to attend an all-day seminar on understanding cravings and emotions to receive continuing education credits for my personal training and wellness coach certifications, so...


Friday Favorites Link Up!

TGIF! After a busy couple of days, I’m looking forward to the holiday weekend, especially tonight, since my husband and I have a date night planned for Revolution Wines (thanks to Groupon)! We haven’t had...


Spaghetti Squash Burrito Bowl

A new favorite way to eat Spaghetti Squash!

After my little trip to NOLA, I was craving Mexican food. Since I had two small spaghetti squashes that needed to be eaten, I decided to use them to make burrito bowls. They turned...
