Tagged: TGIF

Friday Favorites!

TGIF! I’m so excited for the weekend because we have some fun stuff planned. We are going to a local pet adoption to look for a puppy and a kitty tomorrow morning followed by...


Friday Favorites!

TGIF! I’m so excited it is finally Friday because Keenan, my mom and I leave this afternoon to visit our good friends in Oregon for a few days! Keenan can’t wait to play with...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! Was it just me or has this week flown by? With the fun whirlwind of Keenan’s party and his actual birthday this week, things have been busy, but in a good way!...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! This has been one busy week with getting ready for Keenan’s birthday party tomorrow (I still can’t believe he will be three!), so I’m glad it’s Friday! Speaking of, I have a...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! I can’t believe the first week of June has already come and gone. The weeks seem to go by faster and faster these days. In two months Keenan will turn three and...


Friday Favorites Link Up!

TGIF! After a busy couple of days, I’m looking forward to the holiday weekend, especially tonight, since my husband and I have a date night planned for Revolution Wines (thanks to Groupon)! We haven’t had...


Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday! With this week being so hectic doing things for our new house and getting our current house ready for renters, I completely forgot to mention my cousin’s wedding that is tomorrow in...
