
Tagged: Workout

WOD: 5/17/17

Happy Hump Day! There are lots of burpees in this one, but they are such a good total body exercise! Enjoy! Warm-up: 2rds: 10 jump squats 10 push ups 10 slap planks 10 RDLs  (russian...


WOD: 5/15/17

Happy Monday! I hope all of you moms had a marvelous Mother’s Day! I had a really nice day with my family, thanks to my lovely hubby! Anyhow, here is a great workout to...


WOD: 5/11/17

How did WOD 5/8/17 go? For this workout, make sure to review medball cleans before starting the EMOM in the skill. Make sure to not throw the ball up. Let it go, catch it in...


WOD: 5/8/17

I hope everyone is having a great start to the week! Here is a good workout to kick it off! Warm-up: 50 doubleunders (or 150 singles) 25 squats 15 HR push ups 10 good mornings...


WOD: 5/4/17

I can’t believe it’s already the first week of May and the weather went from chilly to WARM. Where did Spring go? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this workout…increasing strength for the push press...


WOD: 5/2/17

I hope everyone had a great weekend! This is a great workout to kick off the week! Warm-up: 25 jumping jacks 25 jumping lunges 25 abmat sit ups Skill: 10 min EMOM: 4 thrusters...


WOD: 4/24/17

Happy Monday! After an amazing weekend at the Juice Plus Live conference, I am SO ready and excited to kick off this week with a bang! This workout is a good one to jump start the last...


CrossFit Home Wod #27

Sorry I was MIA last week, but life happened and things got way too busy (which seems the norm these days!). Anyhow, after getting a few requests for more home wods, I thought it...
