Excited to be wearing his Halloween Spider shirt today, thanks to Nonna!

Happy Friday! Since this week has been extremely busy, I’m SO happy it is Friday! Since my husband will be out of town for work this weekend (bummer!), Keenan and I are headed to parent’s house, after he wakes up from his nap this afternoon. We are planing to go to a local pumpkin patch tomorrow, so that should be fun! Keenan is SUPER excited to go to Nonna and Avo’s house that he hasn’t stopped talking about all day! He is so anxious, that he had a hard time going down for his nap. It is too cute!

Speaking of napping, Keenan woke up twice last night (or early this morning) at 4:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. screaming. I’m not sure if it was a bad dream, night terror or his teeth. He hasn’t woken up in the middle of the night for several months (when he went through a period of having night terrors, but I thought we passed that). Fortunately, he went back to sleep after he woke up at 4:00 (after my husband went in and comforted him), but he did not want to go back to sleep in his crib at 6:00. He kept saying, “sleep in mommy and daddy’s bed,” so I brought him to our bed and we all slept until 7:30 a.m. (thank goodness!).

Once we were all up, we headed downstairs for a quick breakfast, since I went to the morning CrossFit class. We enjoyed my “go-to” meal prior to any morning workout or competition: whole wheat toast with peanut butter, slices of banana and honey! Keenan certainly enjoyed it!

You can’t go wrong with peanut butter, honey and banana!

Enjoying his breakfast while sporting his Elmo slippers!

Speaking of CrossFit, today’s WOD was a long partner one that included 60 back squats (95 lb for women), 50 cleans (135 lb for women), 40 deadlifts (205 lb for women), 30 pullups, 20 handstand pushups and 10 burpees. Between each lift, we had to run around the building. Since my 1 rep max for cleans is 120, I did 105 lbs and did the squats and deadlifts as prescribed. Since I didn’t sleep well last night and my shoulder was still bothering me, I was dragging through today’s workout. I partnered-up with our coach (since we had an odd number of people in our class) who definitely pushed me! It was a good workout for the end of the week, but I’m looking forward to having the next two days off!

I keep forgetting to mention that I am signed-up for two local CrossFit competitions, a team one in November and an individual one in December. I’m excited to do the team one, it should be really fun! There are four of us: 2 girls and 2 guys. I’m a little nervous about the individual competition, but I’m planing to ramp-up my workouts and start doing a couple of double-days each week to prepare. I’ve only participated in one competition (last year), but I really want to do more, to push myself to get better and stronger. So, we’ll see…

Once we were done with CrossFit today, we ran one errand and then headed home for lunch. I was craving some nice lean protein, so I made Keenan and I Egg White Florentine in a Mug (though, I made Keenan’s with a whole egg) with some avocado and slices of a peach. I also topped mine with a dollop of Costco’s yogurt jalapeno dip and salsa. It was delish!

Keenan’s lunch.

My lunch.

Oh, before I forget, I have some more exciting reviews and giveaways coming-up next week! Stay tuned!!

Well, it is time to take a shower, pack and load up the car before Keenan wakes-up!

Questions: What are your plans for the weekend? How are you enjoying our wonderful Fall weather? Have you done any fitness competitions, marathons, half-marathons, triathlons, etc? If so, how did you prepare for them?