Happy Friday! It is so beautiful on the coast today…sunny and not too cold!

Last night was rough. When we were about to put Keenan in the tub for his bath, he burped and then vomited. Luckily it was almost all contained in the tub, but it was still a mess! Poor little guy, he didn’t know what had happened! He seemed fine, though very tired after doing his bath and getting him ready for bed. About an hour after I put him to bed, he woke up and vomited again, this time all over himself and his pac n’ play. Poor thing, he was so scared and upset. We quickly got him up, undressed and cleaned before figuring out what to do. Luckily, there is a crib at the house, so we set it up (wrapping plastic garbage bags around the matress, just in case) and put him back to bed. After he puked the second time, he seemed much better and thankfully, he didn’t puke the rest of the night. Meanwhile, we put everything in the wash: sleepsack, pjs, sheet and all of his critters. My husband cleaned the pac n’ play in the tub, so it could dry all night.

I was worried that Keenan would still feel icky today, but he was his happy, cheerful self when he woke up this morning (thank goodness!). I am not sure what caused him to vomit…as we all ate the same thing, except for the huckleberry jam/syrup on his peanut butter sandwich yesterday, which someone had left in the fridge for a long time. It is the only thing that my husband and I didn’t eat. It is the worst feeling when your child is sick and vomits because they are so surprised and/or scared by it and they don’t know what to do.  Anyhow, I’m glad and relieved that Keenan feels better. I am watching him like a hawk, today, but so far (knock on wood), he has been fine!

For breakfast, my husband made a scramble with eggs, leftover oven-baked potato fries from last night, bacon (chopped up), a tomato and cheese topped with some avocado and salsa. It was delicious! Keenan ate most of his plate and drank quite a bit of water (he was definitely dehydrated). Sorry, I completely forgot to take a picture!

The wonderful display of goodies at Franny’s Cup and Saucer!

After breakfast, we drove 20 minutes north to Point Arena to get some heavenly goodies at Franny’s Cup and Saucer, a local (and very tiny) bakery owned by a mother and daughter team: Frances (Franny) and Barbara Burkey. Just the aroma of all of the delicious baked goods is enough to make you gain five pounds! Everything is amazing! Each time we stay in Gualala, we always try to go to Franny’s at least once.  Today, we got a gluten-free peanut butter and chocolate cookie, chocolate gingersnap cookie, cashew with brown butter frosting cookie and a guiness dark chocolate bar with a salted pretzel crust, along with a jar of their homemade cinderella pumpkin butter (the best pumpkin butter I have ever had!). All of their goodies–cookies, pastries, chocolates, cakes and even pizzas and frittatas–are equisite! They also serve espresso and every latte I have had there has been prefectly creamy. It is a must-stop if you are ever driving on Highway 1, heading to Fort Bragg or Mendocino!! I can’t say enough good things about it!

After Franny’s, we headed to a local gelateria, Gelati Pazzo Marco for a tour and tasting. All I can say is WOW! Since studying in Italy when I was in college, I am VERY picky about my gelato. I haven’t tasted anything in the states that has come close to what you find in Italy, until I had Gelati Pazzo Marco! We had a great time there, and Keenan certainly enjoyind trying all of the different flavors; he kept saying, “Try more, try more!” We spent an hour and a half there, learning about how they make it, where they get their ingredients and how they package it, so I’m going to save my write-up/review for later. Look for more about Gelati Pazzo Marco in my next post!

Gelati Pazzo Marco!

For lunch, I made Keenan a peanut butter and banana sandwich (minus the honey or jam this time) and a glass of milk and water. Even after tasting gelato, he devoured his sandwich in minutes! My husband and I split a wonderful Croque Monsieur from Franny’s Cup and Saucer with a peach and some baby carrots! It was delish!

Well, today we were planning on getting a workout in at the beach, but it has turned into another relaxing day. Since Keenan is napping, we are going to enjoy some wine while finishing our movie from last night!

Once Keenan gets up, we are going to take a walk, so at least I’ll be getting some exercise in! Tomorrow, we are headed to my cousin’s wedding and then home on Sunday. Gosh, with all of the goodies we have been eating here, I definitely need to get back on track with my eating and workouts, starting first thing on Monday!