I had to post this picture…we gave Keenan some peanut butter ice cream (left over from his birthday) after dinner last night, as a treat, and he was SO excited to eat it!

My brother and niece arrived from Montreal late last night, to stay here (our house for a couple of days and then at my parent’s for the rest of the time) until Sunday. My brother has work in the area for the next few days, so he thought it would be nice to bring my niece along, so we can all see her. Most importantly, Keenan and my niece can spend time together and play. Keenan woke up this morning around 7:30, a little before my niece, and was SO excited to see her and his Uncle E (my brother) that he kept saying, “See Maddie and Uncle E!” Since my niece and brother weren’t up yet, Keenan stayed with my husband and I in our bed, reading stories. As soon as my niece woke up, Keenan and her were SUPER excited to see each other. It was non-stop giggling, screaming, running and playing from that moment until lunch time! Keenan adores his cousin and my niece is such a wonderful big cousin to him; it’s very cute to watch them interact. I just love seeing the two of them play so well together! Every time we are all together, I always wish we could live closer, because it would be so nice for our children to grow-up next door to each other. Maybe some day…

When my brother, niece and sister-in-law (though, she is not here this time, due to her expecting baby number 2!) are here, it always reinforces the importance of family to me. I’m so blessed and thankful to have such a supportive and loving family. They are always there for me, supporting me along the way, no matter what happens. Even though we might disagree sometimes, we always come together in the end. We enjoy spending time all together and since we don’t get to see each other that often, we cherish the moments we do have!

Once everyone was up, we headed downstairs and Keenan and Maddie played in his kitchen, while my husband and I prepped breakfast. We made scrambled eggs with a little mozzarella cheese and fruit (we also had lattes, of course!). Both Keenan and Maddie also wanted some cheerios, so they each had a small bowl, in addition to the eggs and fruit. After breakfast, we got dressed and headed outside to see Slinky and play in the sandbox. Maddie loves Slinky so much that she only wanted to be with her, following her around everywhere; it was too cute! Meanwhile, Keenan played in his sandbox the whole time!

Keenan and Maddie “cooking their own breakfast!” Keenan was wearing the hat that Maddie and Uncle E gave him, too!

For lunch, Keenan had a peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich with cooked carrots, applesauce and a glass of milk. Maddie had a jelly sandwich (no peanut butter) with carrots and a glass of milk. For some reason, Fage Greek yogurt sounded good again, so I had a cup of it for my lunch with chia seeds, flax seed and a nectarine. It hit the spot!

After lunch, my mom came to get Maddie, so she can stay with her for the next few days. Keenan was sad to see Maddie go, but we are going to my parent’s house tomorrow, so the two of them can continue to play.

After Keenan gets up from his nap, we are heading to CrossFit (yesterday’s WOD was a good one: 10 push presses and 10 back squats of 65 lb for women, doing as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes, which I completed 6 rounds and 3 reps) and then home for dinner. On the menu is a grilled baby bok choy salad, with sauteed red bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and chicken. Since we have had so many Italian/Mediterranean meals lately, I thought it would be good to switch things up and have something Asian inspired! I saw grilled baby bok choy in a Bon Appetit magazine a while ago, so I thought it would be fun to mix them with other veggies. We’ll see how it turns out! I’ll post a picture and the recipe tomorrow!

Question: What are you having for dinner tonight? What kinds of different vegetables have you grilled?