Happy Monday! Keenan and I enjoyed a nice start to the week by meeting our friends for coffee this morning, before heading over to nearby park for our MOMs Club picnic and Easter egg hunt. I just love having a great visit with friends!



Anyhow, he had a wonderful weekend at my parents’ house enjoying the Spring weather and officially planting our garden. We had so much fun (or I was just too lazy), that I didn’t take a single picture, sorry! The plants are still so small anyways, so I’ll take some pictures once things really start growing. Anyhow, it was nice to spend some time outside as a family with my parents, all working together to plant our garden. It reminded me of when I was child and my brothers, mom, dad and I would all be outside working on something, whether it was tending to our sheep, mowing the lawn, helping my mom plant flowers or just playing. I have many fond memories of all of us being outside doing “things” in the backyard together while growing up, so it felt good to be able to do that again this past weekend!

In addition, we are going on day six of Keenan wearing his “big boy” underwear! Even when he played outside (all day) yesterday and Saturday, he still told us when he had to use the potty and went inside immediately to go pee pee. He is now telling us when he has to go pee before he actually does, keeping his underwear dry! Now, going number two is another story. On Saturday, he refused to put a pull up on for his nap, so needless to say, he made a BIG accident in his pants when he woke up…not fun to clean up! Poor guy, he was so upset and embarrassed. My mom and I cleaned him up and told him that accidents happen and he can try again the next day. I didn’t want to make a big deal about it. After that, I decided that no matter how much he refuses, he has to wear a pull up for his naps (and bedtime), until he is ready to do his business in the potty. My husband and I keep talking about going number two in the potty and ask him when he will do it, but he just doesn’t want to. Today, we told him that if he goes poop in the potty, we will take him to a special chocolate shop, Ginger Elizabeth, and he can pick out any treat that he would like. Since he loves chocolate, my husband and I thought it would be a good incentive, so we’ll see if it helps!

Okay, I know you are probably curious about the BIG news (and no, I’m not pregnant!)…but in the past month or so, some developments have occurred that my husband and I are very excited about! We are still trying to figure everything out, so look for more to come later this week!

Well, that’s it for today, it is time to head to CrossFit! Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!

Oh, the winner of the Rocky Mountain Popcorn Giveaway is: Renata! Please email me your mailing address, so Rocky Mountain can send you your popcorn!


– Are you experiencing Spring like weather yet? If so, how have you been enjoying it?

– Did you do anything fun over the weekend?