The weekend went by way too fast over here! After staying home all last week, due to being sick, we spent the weekend catching up on everything, i.e. going to Costco, running errands and doing odds and ends around the house. Though we got a lot done, my husband and I didn’t have a chance to really spend some quality time together. We were going to have an “at home date night” on Saturday, but we ended up eating dinner (homemade salmon burgers with oven-baked sweet potato fries…recipe coming soon!) too late, so we finished one episode of “Revenge” and went to bed, because we were both so tired!

A few shenanigans on Saturday morning after my husband made another batch of his famous whipped cream!

Silliness with whipped cream on Saturday morning, after my husband made another batch!

On Friday night we enjoyed a lovely dinner at The Water Boy in midtown Sacramento with my in-laws. As a wonderful surprise, they treated us to dinner. Water Boy’s menu always has too many wonderful things to choose from, so I couldn’t decide, as usual. I ended up getting the roasted beet salad with baked goat cheese and the cassoulet with duck, homemade pork sausage, runner beans, cheese, bread crumbs and herbs. Both items were fabulous! Also, we all shared the deviled egg and crab crostini and their roasted brussel sprouts to start. Oh and I can’t forget my delicious cocktail that I started the evening with. It was a featured cocktail that evening with fresh squeezed orange juice and three different liquors (that I can’t remember!). I am not usually a cocktail fan because they are either too strong or too sweet, but this was perfect. It was tart and I couldn’t taste the alcohol! I’m glad I only had one, because it went down too easy!

Anyhow, before this post becomes too long, Renee at Fit for Motherhood posted “Things You Should Know About Her” a few days ago. She asked her readers to share something about themselves, too and I thought it would be fun to do the same!

Things You Should Know About Me…

I am a person of routine and although I love to go on vacation, I look forward to coming home and getting back into my normal routine (both of eating my usual foods and doing the same things, i.e. going to CrossFit, play dates, etc).

I look forward to eating breakfast and making my latte every morning. When I wake up, it is the first thing that I think about!

I love to cook and create new recipes.

The summer before starting high school, I was pretty overweight and unhappy with myself, so my mom and I decided to lose weight together. We both lost over 20 pounds by going to the gym 5-6 days a week and keeping track of our calories.

I can spend hours in a grocery store roaming the aisles and looking at new foods, reading the ingredients and nutrition labels. Since we don’t have a Whole Foods near us, when we go to a town that does, I always demand that we stop there so I can see their salad bar (much to my husband’s dislike!).

I’ve been known to create $25.00 salads at the salad bar at Whole Foods and Surf Super in Gualala, a wonderful little grocery store on the North Coast!

My husband calls me the “Salad Queen,” since I love to make all kinds of different salads and dressings with what we have on hand in the fridge, just throwing things together.

I never liked beer until I met my husband. The first time we met, he introduced me to a special Belgian beer, Kriek (cherry) Lambic, that we toasted with at our wedding, instead of Champagne! There is much more to the story of how we met, but I’ll save that for another time.

I raised sheep from the age of two, until I was nineteen years old. I showed them competitively through 4-H and FFA. I know how to shear, trim hooves, dock tails and castrate. My husband always says that he knew I was the “one,” when he saw me dock the tail and castrate a lamb, while being peed on! “You could look like a Girlie-Girl, but you could also be real… I thought that was awesome,” were his exact words.

I don’t like peas, melon or honeydew. My husband says I’m not a true Italian.

I am not a morning person. At all.

I may seem confident, but I am usually a reserved, shy person.

I love traveling, especially going to new countries and learning about different cultures, but at the same time, I love staying home, too.

I LOVE sleep and need a lot of it! I used to sleep 9 -10 hours a night, but now, it is usually 7-8. I’m working on getting a minimum of 8 hours per night.

Peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite combination. I used to eat peanut butter by the spoonfuls with little bits of chocolate as a treat when I was younger. Now, I restrain myself and eat it every now and then (in small portions!).

I am in love with roasted almond butter.

I can quote whole episodes of “I Love Lucy.” I used to collect all things of the show and of Lucille Ball. In fact, when my husband and I were newly married, our guest room was decorated in all Lucy stuff!

Staying home with Keenan was the best decision that I ever made. Although some days are tough, I love spending everyday with him!

I love working out. It is a source of stress management, and when I am not able to go to CrossFit or fit in a workout at home, I feel guilty all day and I have been known to be a little cranky.

I love anything health, fitness and wellness related, which is one of the reasons why I decided to start my blog.

Well, that’s enough about me…

Now it is YOUR turn! Please share a few things about you or link up with your post in the comments.