Happy Friday!

I’m so ready for the weekend as it has been one busy week. My husband started a new job this past Monday (actually working for my family’s farm!), so our schedule/life has drastically changed. He has to be at work by 6:30 a.m., which is luckily only a 3 minute drive from our house, and he doesn’t get home until 5:30-6:00 p.m. each day. In his previous job, he didn’t have to be at work until 8 or 8:30 and he had the flexibility to work from home (although he did have to do quite a bit of traveling), so as you can see, it has been quite a change (but for the good!). Instead of waking up when Keenan and Mirella wake up, I’ve been getting up with my husband at 5:00 a.m. to workout, drink coffee and have a little quiet time to ourselves before he leaves and the kiddos wake up. Surprisingly, I have enjoyed this new schedule because I feel like I have gotten so many things done (including my workout) before the day has even started. But, my husband and I haven’t been going to bed as early as we should, thus leaving us both pretty exhausted. I know it will take another week before our bodies get adjusted to this new schedule, but I’m looking forward to a little rest (hopefully!) this weekend.

It’s a little weird and not quite sunken in that my husband is now farming. He went from business attire to grungy jeans, plaid shirts and a floppy hat overnight! I always said I would never marry a farmer due to the long hours and sacrifices, but as the saying goes, never say NEVER! I’m excited for our children to experience farming and grow up with it first hand as I did. Growing up in a farming family taught me a lot about the world around me, where our food comes from, responsibilities, sacrifices, what hard work really means and how rewarding it can be to see the end result of what you grew and/or raised. So, here’s to a new chapter in the crazy thing that we call life!

When I sat down to write this, I intended for it to be completely different, but I guess this was on the forefront of my mind. Before I go, I’ll leave you with one my favorite picture and moment from this week…Keenan reading to his sister!

Reading together

Have a great weekend!


Have you had to adapt to a drastic life change? If so, how did you cope?

Any fun plans for the weekend?