Now that Keenan is in Kindergarten our weeknights are extremely busy, pretty much from the moment I pick him up, to bed time, so anything I can do to save time when making dinner, the better! With that being said, when a friend of mine in Missouri hosted a freezer meal prep party, I wanted to learn all about it! What better way to make a bunch of meals to keep in the freezer than with a bunch of friends and a little vino?! I was a little worried that the party wouldn’t go well, but everything went smoothly and everyone helped each other out, making 50 meals in less than an hour and a half!

Freezer meals

So, here is how to throw a freezer meal prep party of your own…

1. Find 10 friends to make meals with. I posted a question on my personal Facebook page asking if anyone would be interested in doing a freezer meal prep party where everyone goes home with 5 meals. In less than an hour, I had over 15  people wanting to do it!

2. Create a Facebook invite. I sent a FB invite to all who commented on my original post. For the first 10 people who responded by a certain date, I partnered them up into 5 pairs of two.

3. Pick your recipes. I used Pinterest (some that I had already saved on my recipe board and some new ones) to select 5 different slow-cooker recipes. After I found my recipes, I posted the pairs along with their recipes to prepare for the party.

4. Communicate the process. After posting the pairs and their recipes, I posted the process of how the party works: each pair splits up the ingredients for their recipe (minus the meat so we wouldn’t have to deal with raw protein at the party) and multiplies it by 10 (so everyone goes home with 5 meals to feed their families). Each pair was responsible for all of their ingredients except for the meat, already chopped and ready to be assembled.

freezer meal prep party

5. Party time! At the party, I printed off one copy of each recipe so I could read off the ingredients as we assembled the meals. I also supplied freezer gallon size ziploc bags and markers to label. We started with one recipe, creating an assembly line of all the ingredients on my kitchen counter and each person filled their bag with all of the items. After everyone was done filling their bags and labeling it, we cleaned up and moved onto the next recipe, etc.

6. Have fun! While we were all making our meals, we enjoyed some wine, small snacks (cheese, nuts and fruit) and girl time without our kiddos! It was the perfect hour and a half on a Sunday afternoon that didn’t take too much of our day, but provided a fun opportunity to get together and better yet, make a bunch of meals to save us time during the week!

freezer meal prep party 1

Everyone loved the freezer meal prep party that I’m already planning the next one, and maybe this time, every pair will pick their own recipe to share!


What is your favorite slow-cooker recipe?

Have you ever participated in a freezer meal prep party?