I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

I got up early this morning to get my workout done before Keenan woke up and it was so nice to have some quiet time all to myself as the sun was coming up. It brightened my day! Though it is hard to get out of bed while it is still dark out, I love the feeling of having my workout done and the day ahead of me!

In addition, we had my second trimester ultrasound this morning and we brought Keenan and my mom along. It was so fun to see Keenan’s reaction to seeing his baby brother or sister (since we are still not going to find out the gender) on the screen! He wanted to know what everything was! Things looked good and the baby is about the size of a large bell pepper now. When I told Keenan this, he immediately asked me what color bell pepper?! He is WAY too much like my husband and me!

Anyhow, I have a fun tractor craft idea for today that my friend sent me. She stumbled upon it from Amy at Wildflower Ramblings and knowing how much Keenan LOVES tractors, she sent it our way.

The nice thing about this craft is all you need is a printer, some crayons, colored pencils, markers or paint, scissors and glue (all things you should have on hand). To get even more creative and make the tractor move, you will need a few small brackets and a single hole punch.

Step One: Print out tractor layout here.

Screen shot 2013-08-22 at 3.51.04 PM

Step Two: Let your child color all of the pieces.

Tractor Craft

Step Three: Assist your child with cutting out all of the parts.

Tractor Craft

Step Four: If you don’t want to make the tractor move, glue all of the matching pieces together to complete it.

If you want to make it move (which we didn’t do since I didn’t have any brackets on hand), punch holes in the corresponding pieces and add brackets to the parts to make your tractor come alive!

Tractor Craft

Have a good one!


If you have little ones, what kinds of crafts do they like to do?

Do you ever save special crafts (or even new toys) for rainy days when you are stuck inside all day? I like to keep a few special crafts on hand to do with Keenan for those stormy days when we can’t play outside. They make the days SO much better!

What was your favorite craft when you were a child?