Peanut” was hiding this morning, sitting at the head of of our table. It took Keenan a long time to finally find her. He kept looking on the couch, around his play area and standing on his tip-toes to see if she was on the kitchen counter, before he saw her on the chair. It was too funny!

Sitting at the table!

Sitting at the table!

Well, today started out better than yesterday. After we got done with CrossFit, we took him to get a hair cut and he did really well. I told him if was a big boy and didn’t cry, he could have some hot cocoa after his lunch. Once we got home, I brought him to the bathroom to go potty and change his diaper and he had a complete meltdown (crying, say ‘no!’ and screaming). Since he was so upset, I told him he didn’t have to go potty, but we still needed to change his diaper. He still didn’t settle down, and continued to scream, so he went into time out. As he continued to scream, he sat there longer and longer. Finally, once he settled down, we sat down for lunch and it was a little bit of last night all over, again (not wanting to eat, etc). After another time out, he finally calmed down and started eating, though it was a struggle. Before his nap, we read a story and when I went to put him down in his crib, he was upset again, not wanting to go to bed. He didn’t want to give me a hug or kiss, and he even lightly hit me, so I put him in his crib without being tucked in and said goodnight. He probably cried for at least 20 minutes, before he fell asleep. It was heart-wrenching. I just want to figure this out. Is this what everyone says is the “terrible twos?” If so, it is definitely terrible! I hate seeing Keenan so upset, in fact, it makes me sick to my stomach. Ugh…I hope this behavior passes soon!

Our happy little guy before the meltdown happened!

Our happy little guy excited to find “Peanut” this morning, before the melt down happened!

Before I forget, I’ve been meaning to post a picture of the finished products of homemade Christmas gifts that we gave to our friends this year! Everything turned out well!

Candied walnuts, pasta sauce and noodles!

Candied walnuts, pasta sauce and noodles!

Also, I’ve been meaning to post about the Sacramento Bloggers December Meetup at Reunion Night Club in El Dorado Hills that I attended last Thursday. It was the first time that I attended one of their meetups, and it was a lot of fun (thanks to Giselle for introducing me to the group)! It was great meeting other local bloggers and learning about their blogs and how long they have been blogging. I always learn something new when I talk to other bloggers! I can’t wait to attend the next event and see everyone, again!

The group!

The group!

In addition, Reunion was a cool place! It is a club geared towards 30-50 year-olds and designed kind of like a club in Vegas, because you can rent out a booth, have bottle or VIP service. The nice thing about the club is they don’t have a cover charge (except for Thursdays after 8:30 p.m.) and if you come between 6-9 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, you can pay $6.00 and have dinner (all you can eat), as well as dessert. The food was quite good, too! They also feature live entertainment, such as local bands, dueling piano show (which was going on when we were there!) and more. It is definitely a great place to go for a date night or a night with friends. The manager at Reunion also said that they own Dive Bar in Sacramento, Shaboom in Walnut Creek, Ruby Sky in San Francisco and one coming soon in Vegas. All clubs are run the same and are geared toward the same age group. I can’t wait to take my husband and friends there…we are thinking it would be a fun outing for New Years!

Booths to rent.

Booths to rent.

We are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning (5:45 a.m., yuck!), I need to get some laundry done and finish packing before Keenan wakes up. We are going to do our family Christmas with Keenan as soon as gets up from his nap. Santa came early, since he knows we are leaving tomorrow and won’t be home for Christmas. He will also make a stop at my brother- and sister-in-law’s house on Christmas day, but only delivering a few things that can easily be packed in our suitcases!

It will be nice to spend some quality family time and have a chance to relax. We all can use a little vacation. I just hope Keenan’s behavior doesn’t continue in Montreal (or on the plane tomorrow!). His backpack is loaded with toys, coloring stuff and my phone has plenty of “Elmo,” “Timmy Time,” and “Shaun the Sheep” episodes, so hopefully everything will go well.

Since we will be gone for the next ten days and I won’t always have access to the internet, I will be “kinda’-MIA”. I will try to post when I can, but once we are back home, I’ll be sure to post a recap of our trip and holiday festivities. I’m looking forward to enjoying family, the wonderful holiday season, taking time to truly “unplug”, and relax. I’m still hoping to get in a few WODs, even though it is going to be snowing and SO cold! I’m thinking of doing a lot of gymnastics movements and double-unders every other day while we are there, to not lose my conditioning and also to burn some calories (since I’m sure we will be eating lots of good food!).

Happy Holidays!

Questions: What are your plans for the holidays? Are you traveling this year or hosting? Do you have any family traditions, such as baking cookies or making a certain dish? Our tradition on Christmas Eve or a couple of days before is making gingerbread men and decorating them, so I can’t wait to do that with Keenan and my niece!