Happy Tuesday!

Even though Keenan woke up at the crack of dawn (yet again) today, it was nice to wake up to his cute little face asking to climb into our bed to snuggle and read books. Who can say no to that? I cherish our family cuddle time in the mornings, because it is the perfect way to start the day, aside from a nice warm cup of coffee to help me wake up!

Anyhow, since yesterday morning was so busy with rushing off to Keenan’s last music class of the year and a doctor’s appointment for myself, I decided it would be best for us to stay home, enjoy the beautiful warm weather and play outside.

We started our morning off by making breakfast parfaits, an idea inspired in Keenan’s latest Highlights magazine that I’ll talk more about later. He was SUPER excited about them as you can see!

Keenan's breakfast parfait

Since we have a couple of family birthdays coming up, along with Father’s Day, we started out with a little finger painting, making cards and pictures. He was definitely focused on his artwork this morning, because he must have painted, stamped and colored for at least 45 minutes! It was a fun time, because we both painted and colored together (I worked on a few cards myself) while listening to music and chatting about random things. I just love precious moments like that!

Finger Painting

After finishing up our art, we moved inside to play with his legos, building the longest house ever, or excuse me, “apartment complex,” as Keenan clarified.


After legos, we enjoyed lunch outside, followed by Keenan’s nap and quiet time for me to tackle my to-do list!

Well, that’s it for today. Have a good one!


When was the last time you enjoyed a lazy day at home?

If you have kids, what moments do you particularly treasure the most with them?