I hope everyone voted and had a great Tuesday! We were complete procrastinators and finished up our voting last night (absentee) and dropped our ballots off at the nearest polling place today. Anyhow, this is the first time all day that I have had a chance to sit down and relax for a bit. It was a busy day, to say the least! Does anyone else have days like that?

Before I talk about today, I have to include a couple of pictures of Keenan taking his bath last night. Last week, Keenan found some calming comfort baby bath soap in his bathroom cupboard that I received as part of a baby shower gift before he was born. The day that he found the bottle of bath soap, he immediately wanted to use it for his bath that night. I added it to his bath, thus making a bubble bath and he was SO excited! Since then, he has had bubble baths pretty much every night (aside from being at my parents’ house). Last night, we were having particular fun with making “bubble hats and collars,” so I had to share a few pictures!

Fun in the tub with bubbles!

More bubble fun!

Since we attended our family friend’s funeral yesterday, I rescheduled Keenan’s music class to this morning. After class, we headed to the grocery store (in dire need of fresh produce) and then exchanged some jeans for Keenan at The Children’s Place. Since we use cloth g diapers, I always have to get one pant size bigger for Keenan, to accommodate the bulkiness of his diapers. Since the larger size is always way too long, it makes it difficult to find ones that fit right, but thankfully, there are quite a few with adjustable waists!  I tried the larger jeans on Keenan in the dressing room and after I put them on, he asked, “Where is the mirror Mommy?” We walked over to the mirror and he was having fun looking at himself and admiring his new jeans. It was too cute! We might have a little shopper on our hands!

After we got home, Keenan was exhausted and didn’t want to eat much of his lunch (even his favorite sandwich: PB, honey and banana). I think the weekend at my parents’ house finally caught up with him, because as soon as I put him down for his nap, he rolled over and went to sleep, sleeping for almost 3 hours! I think his tiredness also has to do with waking up so early at my parents’ house. He woke up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. every day this past weekend. My husband and I can’t quite figure out why he gets up so early at my parents’ house. I’m not sure if he is too excited, or if there are too many different sounds that he hears. I just wish we could figure something out to help him sleep in.

Once I put Keenan down for his nap, I quickly prepared dinner in our crock pot, Slow Cooker Chicken and Kale, except I used Swiss chard instead. I didn’t use any chicken broth or fresh tomatoes this time; I just added one can of chopped tomatoes mixed with 3/4 cup of pasta sauce.  It turned out SO good! The kale was nice and soft and the chicken stayed intact. The flavor was so yummy; it was a like an Italian stew! When serving it, I sprinkled a little bit of Parmesan cheese on top, and since it was so juicy, we each had a piece of toast for soaking up the juice (I know, sandwich bread…not the classiest!).

A perfect one-pot meal for Fall!

This afternoon, I met with Tiana, an Independent Consultant from Arbonne, about their nutrition line, and to learn more about their company. It was very interesting and I look forward to trying out their products! Look for a review and more info coming soon!

After Tiana left, I finished folding and putting away our “mound” of laundry and went to CrossFit. I was stoked, because I PR’d on front squats today, increasing my previous 1 RM by 10 pounds! I was able to front squat 145 lbs!

Before I forget, I want to address a couple of questions that I have received in regards to milk alternatives.

What are some good non-dairy alternatives to milk?

There are a few alternatives to choose from: soy, almond, rice and coconut milk.

Soy milk, probably one of the most popular milk alternatives out there, is low in calories and contains a good amount of fiber,  healthy unsaturated fats and protein. Soy’s phytoestrogen can be helpful for women with alleviating post-menopausal symptoms. On the other hand, a high soy consumption has been found to increase a women’s risk of developing breast cancer. Also, many soy products contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) which haven’t been properly studied, yet. Read the labels to see if GMOs are included.

Almond milk, another popular alternative, is very low in calories, high in healthy unsaturated fats (heart healthy omega 3’s) and protein, as well as providing 30% of your daily recommended calcium intake. Recently, a new report has come out stating that several brands of almond milk contain a carcinogen called, carrageenan. Carrageenan is stabilizer/emulsifier, used in several milk alternatives, including baby formula. There are two types of carrageenan, food safe and non-food safe. Both types have been linked to cause inflammation in the colon, colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. Supposedly, non-food safe carrageenan is not supposed to be in food products, but according to a few studies that tested milk alternatives, they contained 25% of the non-food safe type! Yikes! Again, read the labels and check for carrageenan. Look for raw almond milk, or you could even try to make it yourself!

Rice milk, a good option, but not the greatest. It doesn’t contain many vitamins and minerals ,though the majority of brands fortify the milk with plenty. It is low in calories and sugar, and doesn’t contain any cholesterol. Check your labels again, as it can also contain carrageenan!

Coconut milk is becoming more and more popular these days. I want to try it, especially adding it to my coffee for a coconut latte one of these days. For Thai inspired recipes, we always keep a couple of cans of light coconut milk in our cupboard, but I keep forgetting to get one out and open it in the morning. Coconut milk provides a lot of nutritional benefits, such as high in healthy unsaturated fats, fiber, full of vitamins and minerals (including potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and iron), as well as some immune boosting properties. You can find it in cartons or cans, or if you are feeling adventurous, you could even make it yourself! Again, check the labels for carrageenan. Don’t confuse it with coconut water.

With soy and almond milk being not as “healthy” as I thought, what do you suggest for an alternative, being that I am lactose intolerant?

With soy being more and more tied to an increased risk of breast cancer in women, try raw almond or coconut milk (making sure they don’t contain carrageenan). Read the labels, as some brands of non-raw almond milk might not contain carrageenan. In the end, think about how much milk you are consuming each day. Is it just for adding a couple of tablespoons to your coffee each morning? Do you add it into other items? If you aren’t consuming large amounts of soy or almond milk on a regular basis, you are probably okay.

Well, it is past my bed time, and I feel like Keenan did before his nap: Exhausted! Have a good night!

Questions: Do you drink cow’s milk? If so, what percent and how much per day? If not, what milk alternative do your enjoy?