Before I forget, I have to share another “Keenanism” (as my husband and I call them) from Last night when I was putting him to bed. As I was holding him and singing our usual song, he asked me what our hose was doing, as well as the faucet and our little waterfall in the backyard. I told him they were in the backyard. He said, “Mommy, they are probably going sleepy sleep.” I said, “Yes, you are right, they need their rest, too.” Keenan then asked me if Slinky was going sleepy sleep and I told him yes, she was probably in her bed by the door getting ready to go to sleep. He then proceeded to list everything in our backyard (including Slinky’s food and her dish) that was going sleepy sleep, as well as his friend, Amalia. Last, but not least, he said, “Mommy, I go sleepy sleep in my bed; it’s time for night night.” It was too cute and SO random, that I had to share with you all!

Anyhow, onto today: Keenan and I enjoyed a fun morning at home being crafty and making all of his Valentine’s Day cards. On our way home from his music class yesterday, we stopped at one of my favorite stores, Target (who doesn’t love that store?) to pick up some supplies in their $1.00 bins, such as glitter, heart stickers, paper, glue, etc for Keenan’s cards. It was the first time that we have used glitter in our house (we have only used it outside, but since it was pretty chilly, we stayed inside) and boy, was that a mistake! Keenan enjoyed putting glue on EVERYTHING and sprinkling, or rather, dumping glitter on everything, thus getting everywhere. I tried to use a cookie sheet to contain everything, but that sure didn’t work. Even after vacuuming, our floor has a nice sparkle to it! At least we both had fun!

Showing one of his cards!

Showing one of his cards!

Anyhow, for our project, I made one heart out of red paper and used it as a stencil to cut out the remaining hearts. Next, I glued each heart onto white construction paper and wrote Happy Valentine’s Day. Once the cards were ready, I gave them to Keenan to decorate with heart foam stickers, pom poms, glitter glue, and glitter. He had a ball decorating each card, especially  using the glitter! It was a fun project, perfect for his age and super simple to make (perfect for me, since I’m not really the crafty type!).

So proud of his cards!

So proud of his cards!

I’m going to keep today’s post shorter than most, because of a few things that I need to finish up before heading to CrossFit. Speaking of, yesterday’s workout was ROUGH. My body was still tired and slightly sore, so doing burpee box jumps and power cleans was tough, not to mention my stomach felt weird all day. Anyhow, I’m looking forward to doing better today.

Before I go, I am SUPER excited to share another new recipe with you, and this time, it is a traditional comfort food, Paleo Shepherd’s Pie! After having red kuri squash last week, my husband wanted to see if he could use that as the topping for Shepherd’s Pie, since it was so dry. He made the pie on Sunday night and boy, was it good! It turned out so well, that I would rather have that than regular Shepherd’s Pie. It is perfect for a cold winter night. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

So good and perfect comfort food (Paleo or not!).

Perfect comfort food (Paleo or not!).


– If you have kids, what is one funny thing that they have said recently?

– What kinds of Valentine’s Day crafts do you like to do? 

– What is your favorite comfort food? Mine is a toss-up; I love my mom’s raviolis, black bean chili with sharp cheddar cheese on top and chicken scallopini.