Vision insurance is something near and dear to my heart, since my mom has battled issues with her eye sight her entire life. She started wearing glasses when she was a young girl and as she got older, she got diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. Fortunately, the disease hasn’t progressed, but it is something she constantly has to have checked.

I started wearing glasses my first year of college because I had a hard time seeing the board (or anything far away). When I got my first pair of glasses I was very reluctant to wear them. I had such a negative view about them, so I wore them very minimally (in class or when I drove). But, as the years went by, my eye sight got slightly worse, so I had to start wearing them all the time (changing the way I viewed them!). Fortunately, right before I got married, I decided to get contact lenses, so I could see my husband-to-be down the aisle without wearing glasses. Since then, I wear my contacts most of the time and only wear my glasses at night, when my eyes are dry or if I don’t feel like putting my contacts in.

Selfie with glasses

Since I have to wear glasses and I have a family history of eye issues, vision insurance is a must for me and my family. Without it, I can’t imagine how much my glasses and contacts would cost, let alone the examination fees. I go in once a year to have my eyes examined and prescriptions checked to see if they changed over the past twelve months. I’m always surprised at how much I save by having vision insurance and I’m so thankful that I have it!

 VSP Vision Care is the only not-for-profit vision care company in the nation. They reinvest their money to help keep out-of-pocket costs low for their members. They have a network that contains 30,000 doctors across the country and members have the ability to choose their provider, location and what eye wear suits them the best. There plans also provide you with a frame allowance and full coverage of basic lenses with discounts on other type of lenses.

In addition, their site, offers a lot of helpful information and resources about eye care,

VSP Vison Care

all the information you need for enrolling in vision care benefits,

VSP vision care

and what I find to be the most helpful, a virtual savings calculator to estimate your savings by enrolling in VSP. In fact, VSP vision care can save you an average of $320 a year!

VSP Vision Care

So, why enroll in vision insurance? Just like keeping your body healthy, vision insurance helps to keep your eyes healthy. You save money instead of paying full price for your exam, glasses and/or lenses and have access to great eye wear. With all of the wonderful benefits, cost savings and most importantly, keeping yours and your family’s eyes healthy, why not enroll in vision insurance?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.