Happy Friday! Welcome to my new site! I’m super-excited to share it with all of you, though please bear with me, as I am slowly learning everything and ironing out any kinks. If you want to continue following my blog via email, make sure to enter your email address here or at the link on the right hand side of my blog. You can still easily connect through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and now, Instagram!

I’m glad it is Friday, but not looking forward to tomorrow’s team competition. Keenan developed a fever (102 degrees!) yesterday afternoon, and still had it, today. Poor little guy, he has been lethargic and just wanting to cuddle and be held since yesterday. We saw the doctor, today, and he said he has a little virus, so just keep giving him Children’s Tylenol or Motrin and plenty of fluids until he is better. This is the first time he has had a fever, so it has been hard. I hate seeing him feel so bad. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make him feel better! Now I know how my mom felt when me or my brothers were sick! Anyhow, with him being sick, I’m not motivated to go to my competition. In addition, I’m finally not feeling sore from last Saturday! I feel bad not being there for Keenan tomorrow, even though my husband is staying home with him. Ugh… that mommy guilt! I know that once I get to the competition, I’ll have fun and be glad that I’m there, but it will be hard to leave Keenan in the morning!

I’m hoping Keenan feels better by Sunday, because we are planning to go to Nevada City’s Victorian Christmas, an annual tradition in my husband’s family that we have been doing since we got married. It is a wonderful holiday event that puts you in the Christmas spirit! There are carolers, musical events, Santa, carriage rides, many unique vendors, arts and crafts, great food and of course, all of the stores are open that provide goodies and hot cocoa or hot cider. We look forward to going every year, so I hope Keenan is up for it!

Oh, before I forget, “Peanut” was found in our coffee table’s centerpiece today, playing with the potpourri! Even though Keenan wasn’t feeling well, he was still excited to come downstairs and find her, as well as being relieved she wasn’t playing with his toys!

Sitting on the potpourri!

Sitting on the potpourri!

Since this week was rather crazy with transferring servers, moving to my new blog, and Keenan getting sick, “Friday Favorites” will have to wait for another week. Sorry about that!

On another more tragic note, my heart goes out to all of the families that were affected in Newtown, Connecticut today. It is awful, and I can’t imagine what they are going through right now. I don’t understand how people can be so cruel and cause harm to one another for no reason, especially innocent children. I hugged my little guy tighter and gave him a few extra kisses before he went to bed, tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with each and every family with an empty chair at their table. Just as important, we need to remember the teachers and first-responders that did everything they could to protect the children.  Another reminder to always tell your loved ones how much you care about them!

Well, it is time for bed, since I have to be up bright and early for the competition, tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

Questions: What do you like to do for your children when they are sick? Do you have any special remedies that you make when your kids are sick? When my brothers and I were sick, my mom used to make her chicken veggie soup, as well as give us toast with sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top. It made everything feel so much better, not to mention watching episodes of “I Love Lucy!”