Happy Hump Day!

I thought I was gaining a little more energy these past few days with working out daily and getting adequate sleep, but today I’m back to feeling REALLY tired. This pregnancy is sure taking it out of me! It probably didn’t help that I went to bed WAY too late last night finishing Keenan’s birthday invites (I still can’t believe he is turning three next month!). In addition, Keenan and I did a big Costco run this morning since we were out of almost everything, and now, I’m exhausted (especially hauling everything in and putting it all away)!

Enough rambling, it’s time for What I Ate Wednesday, thanks to Jenn for always hosting! If you haven’t visited her blog, you must check out all of her delicious eats!

Peas and Crayons

Since becoming pregnant, my eats have been all over the place. What sounds good doesn’t always taste good, in fact sometimes my tummy even feels queasy after taking a bite. It has been frustrating when trying to plan dinners and make lunches, because I just don’t know what my body and taste buds are going to like! I never experienced this when I was pregnant with Keenan, so this is all new to me. Fortunately, things seem to be improving the past few days, at least I’m hoping so!

Here are my eats from yesterday:


Scrambled eggs with a little cheddar cheese topped with avocado and salsa.

Scrambled eggs with cheese, avocado and salsa

I also enjoyed some beautiful berries that we picked up at the farmer’s market last Sunday!

Strawberries and blackberries

Snack #1:

Small handful of lightly salted almonds from Trader Joe’s. Plain roasted almonds just don’t taste good to me right now, even though I loved them pre-pregnancy. Sorry, I ate them so fast that I forgot to take a picture!


Loaded turkey sandwich with slices of a hard boiled egg, lettuce, tomato, avocado, mustard and Bruno’s wax peppers with a peach. All I have wanted for lunch are turkey sandwiches the past couple of weeks, weird!

Turkey and egg sandwich

Snack #2:

One oreo dipped in a small glass of milk (I have been craving them ever since I saw Heather’s Slutty Brownies, which I hope to make tonight!). I also had a few almonds. Sorry, there is no picture yet again!


Ratatouille that I threw together with eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and chicken with a sprinkle of feta cheese, of course! It was exactly what I was craving!


That’s it for now. Have a good one!


Are you an oreo fan? If so, do you eat them plain or dunk them in milk?

Have you ever made Slutty Brownies?

What have you eaten today?