Happy Hump Day!

Keenan and I are heading out early this morning to meet our friends at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, so I’m going to keep today’s post short and sweet.

Since it’s Wednesday, you know the drill…it’s time for another round of What I Ate Wednesday, thanks to Jenn for always hosting!

Peas and Crayons

Since it’s so early, here are my eats from yesterday (which are finally getting back to normal, though I’ve now been craving sweets the past couple of days, thanks to good ol’ pregnancy hormones!)…


My mom’s famous banana bars with a hard boiled egg and strawberries (sorry, I ate the egg and strawberries too fast for a picture!).

Banana Bars


Leftovers from Monday’s amazing dinner of zucchini pizza casserole (recipe coming soon)!

Zucchini Pizza Casserole


A small dish of lightly salted almonds.

Lightly salted almonds


More leftovers from this delicious casserole!

Zucchini Pizza Casserole


A scoop of peanut butter cup ice cream (thanks to our friends for leaving it with us!) with a dab of additional peanut butter on top which I completely forgot to take a picture of, since my husband and I were too busy watching So You Think I Can Dance!

 That’s it for now. Don’t  forget to enter my Energybits giveaway! You have until midnight to enter!

Have a great rest of your day!


What new recipes have you tried lately?

What is one thing that you have eaten today?