Happy Hump Day! Since it is Wednesday, I am linking up with Jenn today, for WIAW!

Before I talk about today’s eats, I want to share my recipe for last night’s dinner experiment. It turned out REALLY good and was SO easy to make! I’ll definitely be doing it again!

I know, not the best (or most appetizing) picture, since I took this with my phone, but my little dinner experiment was delish!

Slow Cooker Chicken and Kale: (serves 3)


– 2 bunches of Kale (chopped)

– 1 yellow onion (chopped)

– 2 fresh tomatoes (chopped)

-1 small can of chopped tomatoes

– 3 frozen skinless boneless chicken thighs

– 1/4 cup pasta sauce

1/4 cup water or chicken broth

– 1 clove garlic (minced)

– 1 Tbsp Italian seasoning

– 1 Tbsp garlic no-salt seasoning

– pinch of salt and pepper


1. Place frozen chicken at the bottom of your slow cooker.

2. Pour can of tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, pasta sauce, onion, garlic and seasonings on top of the chicken.

3. Top with chopped kale.

4. Pour water or chicken broth on top and cook on high for 4-6 hours.

5. When ready, divide kale amongst three plates and place one piece chicken with tomatoes and onion on top each bed of kale. Enjoy!

For today’s eat, we started off with our “usual” breakfast of Fage Greek yogurt topped with chia seeds, flaxseeds, strawberries and Kashi cereal. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture. I also had my morning latte made with our french press! After breakfast, we headed to Keenan’s swim class at the Y.  On the way home, we stopped at Sacramento Beekeeping and Honey store to buy some local honey, since we ran out of our Costa Rica honey. The store is awesome! They have two big vats of honey and you can either bring your own container to fill or purchase one of their containers. You pay by the weight of the honey. Since I didn’t do my homework ahead of time, I purchased one of their containers, but I will be sure to bring my own next time! The honey is local wildflower from California’s Central Valley (Sacramento to Lodi). It is really good! I’m excited to use it on pancakes, maybe even mixed into my yogurt and for baking!

Such good local honey!

Once we got home, we had lunch. Since Keenan didn’t finish all of his yogurt this morning, he ate the rest of it for lunch, followed by his favorite: a peanut butter and honey sandwich (made with our new honey!). He loved it (of course!). He kept saying, “Eating new honey!”

Keenan’s lunch (or part of it!).

For my lunch, I made myself a half sandwich of turkey, tomatoes, spinach and leftover grilled zucchini spread with Costco’s yogurt jalapeno dip, SO good! I also had some carrots, the rest of the tomato and zucchini on the side. This was probably the best sandwich I have ever made! The grilled zucchini made it so flavorful! A little while later, I also made myself an iced coffee using my husband’s awesome coffee concentrate.

My delicious lunch!

An hour before heading to CrossFit, I had half of a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter for a snack. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of it!

Today’s workout was a good one. The skill was max rope climbs in a minute for 3 rounds and I was able to do 3 climbs in a minute for each round! The WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 150 double unders, 90 abmat situps and 30 handstand pushups. The prescribed/elite standard for the handstand pushups was having a deficit of two 25 pound plates, which I was able to to do! It was the first time I did them with a deficit, so I was pumped! Since I could only do 1 handstand pushup at a time, it slowed me down a bit, so I was only able to do a total of 258 reps (barely completing 1 round!). Anyhow, it was a great workout! I love doing handstand pushups, so it was a fun one for me!

Once we got home from CrossFit, I fixed dinner for Keenan and me, since my husband was out of town for work. Keenan had some leftover chicken from last night’s dinner experiment, along with some cooked carrots and avocado with a glass of milk. After dinner, I also made him a small vanilla ice cream cone as a treat, since he finished all of his dinner by himself (no feeding by me!).

Enjoying his dinner and glass of milk in his “big boy” fish cup!

Enjoying his ice cream cone!

For my dinner, I made myself a “mega” salad topped with tomato, artichoke hearts, pepperoncinis, carrots, avocado, roasted walnuts and chicken. It hit the spot! Even though I don’t like it when my husband has to travel for work, I love that I get to make big salads for dinner! I love salad so much that I could probably eat it for lunch and dinner everyday! 🙂

My “mega” salad!

Oh, before I forget, here is the video of my round-off back handspring at our gymnastics class last weekend! I can’t wait to go back and add a back tuck!

Also, I want to tell you about my Reebok Nanos 2.0. I have worn them for two days now and I absolutely love them! They are SO comfortable and soft on your feet, but still have a firm platform and minimal drop for lifting. I don’t think I can go back to wearing my New Balance Minimus.

Well, it is getting late, so I’m off to bed. Speaking of sleep, I certainly need more of it! It is a continuous goal of mine…more to come on this tomorrow! Good night!

Question: What did you eat today? What are your favorite slow cooker recipes? Since Fall is here (though, it sure doesn’t feel like it!), I love to use my slow cooker making chili, stews, soups, pot roasts, etc, but I would love to try some new recipes.