Happy Hump Day! I am finally feeling a little better today, though I still woke up with a pounding headache…not sure what that is all about! At least I am not nauseated anymore and my appetite is back. Since I wasn’t feeling too good the last couple of days, I took it easy and didn’t go to CrossFit on Monday and attempted a “lighter” WOD yesterday. I felt okay, but pretty weak, since I didn’t consume much of anything on Monday…UGH!

Anyhow, enough of my babbling and onto another What I Ate Wednesday, thanks to the lovely Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting!

Peas and Crayons

Here are my eats from today (and one of Keenan’s, since he had a different lunch than me):


No Oat Oatmeal (of course!) topped with almond butter and blueberries

My favorite "go-to" breakfast these days!

My favorite “go-to” breakfast these days!

– Mocha Latte with a mix of dark chocolate and unsweetened vanilla almond milk

My new favorite way to enjoy my morning latte, since being on our Paleo challenge.

My new favorite way to enjoy my morning latte, since being on our Paleo challenge.


– Cobb Salad (without the bacon) and topped with sprouted pumpkin seeds from Go Raw

Nice and hearty!

Nice and hearty!

Keenan enjoyed: Turkey rolls filled with spinach, avocado, mustard and little tzatziki sauce with Italian carrots on the side

Keenan loves this lunch!

Keenan loves this lunch!


– Before heading to CrossFit, I’m planning on having my go-to snack of a half of a banana with some almond butter.


– Since we haven’t had dinner yet, I want to share what we ate last night, a new Paleo one-pot meal: Green Beans with Bacon. I adapted it from my aunt’s recipe that she traditionally makes for the holidays, using green beans, mushrooms and slivered almonds. It was super quick (perfect for a week night) and delicious! I knew it was hit because Keenan ate his beans by the spoonful!

A delicious and simple one-pot meal!

A delicious and simple one-pot meal!

– For tonight, we are haveing Paleo BBQ Pork in the CrockPot (recipe coming soon!) with roasted broccoli, red onions and charred tomatoes. The pork smells good and the broccoli is already in the oven, using the delay start function to cook while we are at CrossFit.

Enjoy the rest of your day!


– What did you eat today?

– Do you drink almond milk? If so, how do you drink it…in your coffee, smoothies, straight, etc?