Happy Hump Day! As my husband and I are finally starting to feel better, Keenan woke up this morning with exactly what we had. His voice is completely hoarse, he has a horrendous cough and a fever, poor thing. We have been laying low at home today and I’m sure we will be doing the same tomorrow. I was just telling my husband that I can’t believe I haven’t left the house since Sunday…crazy! I’m anxious to get this nasty bug out of our house, so we can finally go out and do things, especially going to CrossFit (which I’m hoping to do this afternoon!).
Speaking of CrossFit, I just registered for the CrossFit Games Open, which starts next week! I did it last year, so I’m anxious to compare my scores and see how much I improved. Our coach has encouraged everyone at our box to sign-up, so it should be fun to do the workouts with my fellow athletes.
Anyhow, since it is Wednesday, it’s time to link up with the lovely Jenn at Peas and Crayons for What I Ate Wednesday!
Here are my eats from today:
– No Oat Oatmeal with a heaping scoop of almond butter and sliced strawberries.
– Leftover Spaghetti Squash Tomato Bake with Turkey Chicken (Southwest style with black beans, onions, chopped tomatoes, salsa and cheddar cheese) and topped with avocado.

It doesn’t look pretty, but it was SO good! This is definitely my favorite way to make this casserole!
Snack (later today):
– Half of a banana with a scoop of almond butter before CrossFit.
– Last night: We enjoyed Slow-Cooker Sweet and Spicy Pork Chops with steamed broccoli with spices and brewer’s yeast on top.
– Tonight: We are having roasted butternut squash with apples and walnuts (recipe coming soon!) and country style boneless pork ribs cooked in the crock pot that I just threw together.
Well, that’s it for today. I need to get a few things done before Keenan wakes up, since he has mostly wanted to cuddle and be held. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon!
– What have you eaten today?
– What is on your menu for dinner tonight?
That spaghetti squash casserole DOES look good! 🙂 I just finished prepping some taco meat with ground bison and chopping up some jalopenos . . . I’m thinking Mexican tonight for dinner. I hope Keenan is feeling better!
Thank you; it was yummy! Oh, bison sounds good! Mexican food is definitely one of my favorite cuisines!
So sorry the little one got sick!! I agree with Michelle – your lunch looks delicious!
Thank you. We are FINALLY all 100% again! It was a long week of being sick and homebound…not fun!
YUM! I’ll have to try your no-oat oatmeal!
I’m visiting from Thumping Thursday!
Thank for visiting! I hope you will come back soon!
Your oatmeal looks gorgeous and right up my street.
Thank you! It is my favorite breakfast!