Happy Hump Day! Wow, what a chaotic early morning we had today! We scheduled some people to come and clean our tile and grout downstairs (thanks to a great groupon deal!), since we have some stains that we couldn’t get out with regular cleaning. They came this morning (earlier than scheduled), while I was trying to make breakfast, pack our lunch, get Keenan dressed and head out the door for our play date. Since Keenan and I weren’t finished with everything downstairs, the guys just sat and waited until we could get out of the kitchen so they could start cleaning. It was nerve wracking and hectic with them waiting for us, since Keenan was taking an extra long time to finish his breakfast, while continuing to ask what the guys were doing! In addition, as I was rushing to get things ready, I spilled coffee beans EVERYWHERE and then the coffee (while pouring it into my travel mug!). Ugh…I hate mornings like these!

Enough of  my venting, sorry! Fortunately, once we left the house, our morning got much better! Since the weather has been so nice the past few days (finally feeling like Spring), we have been taking full advantage of it by playing outside and heading to the park every chance we get. So, this morning we met up with Giselle and her little guy at a park with a small pond with ducks and geese. The boys played for a while, fed the geese and ducks and then we had our picnic. It was a lot of fun and the weather couldn’t have been better!

Having fun feeding the geese this morning!

Having fun feeding the geese this morning!

Anyhow, since it’s Wednesday, it’s time to link up with Jenn at Peas and Crayons for another round of What I Ate Wednesday!

Peas and Crayons


Veggie scramble with spinach, leftover zucchini from last night’s dinner and feta cheese topped with avocado and pasta sauce, yum! I also enjoyed my morning latte, but due to my coffee incident and taking it to go, I forgot to snap a picture of it.




Our picnic consisted of carrots, oranges and “Micky Mouse Specials” (PB, honey and banana on sandwich thins), except I had almond butter instead of peanut butter. Even though Keenan had plenty to eat, he still wanted to sample some of Ayden’s lunch!

Our simple (but yummy) picnic lunch!

Our simple (but yummy) picnic lunch!

Snack before CrossFit (later today):

Half of a banana with a scoop of almond butter


Last night, we enjoyed a simple one-pot meatless meal of zucchini sauteed with onions, cherry tomatoes and cannelloni beans. Of course, we topped it with feta cheese!

Simple and delicious!

Simple and delicious!

On the menu for tonight is another easy, one-pot meal of kale sauteed with red bell peppers and Italian sausages with of course, a sprinkle of feta cheese.


– What foods have you enjoyed today?

– What new recipes have you tried lately?  This past week, we have been enjoying our old standbys, so I’m hoping to try a new recipe creation with cabbage tomorrow night or on Friday…look for it to come soon!