Happy Hump Day! Well, today has been a slow day, since I woke up with my stomach not feeling too well. After two sessions in the bathroom hugging the toilet this morning I feel a little better, but still nauseous, ugh! I felt bad, because Keenan wanted to go for a ride on his trike this morning and I just couldn’t do it, in case I needed to run to the bathroom. Needless to say, I’ve been laying low on the couch with Keenan laying and playing next to me pretending to be sick! I don’t think it is the flu, because my tummy started to feel bad after my husband and I ate dinner last night. We made a nice stir-fry with shrimp, so I’m not sure what caused my stomach to be upset.

Oh, and before I forget, look what arrived yesterday… our first box of produce from Farm Fresh To You! Our friends gave us a gift certificate for one box a while back, and we finally redeemed it. The box contained swiss chard, lettuce, leeks, watercress, two avocados, mushrooms and collard greens. We used some of the produce last night and I look forward to finding fun ways to cook with the rest later this week!

Excited to cook with all of the fresh produce!

Excited to cook with all of the fresh produce!

Anyhow, since it is Wednesday, I’m linking up with the lovely Jenn at Peas and Crayons for another round of What I Ate Wednesday. Since I haven’t been able to keep much down today, I’m going to talk about my eats from yesterday, calling it “What I Ate Tuesday!”

Peas and Crayons

Breakfast: Coconut flour pancakes that I just threw together. They looked great, but once again, the pancakes were too dry.

Good, but still too dry for my liking.

Good, but still too dry for my liking.

Lunch: Egg whites in a mug over baby spinach with avocado, tomato, pasta sauce, sprouted pumpkin seeds and two pepperoncinis.

One of my favorite lunches!

One of my favorite lunches!

Snack: Some of the chocolate KiZE Concepts Bar.



Dinner: Asian stir-fry with shrimp using the swiss chard, leeks and mushrooms from our box of produce. Sorry, I completely forgot to take a picture!

Well, that is it for today. I feel a little better after taking a nap while Keenan slept, but I’m still going to lay low the rest of the afternoon (or at least try to!). Oh, and look for an announcement of our BIG news tomorrow!


– What are a few of your eats from today?

– Do you subscribe to a CSA service like Farm to Fresh To You? If so, how do you like it?