Happy Hump Day! Since it has been so warm, I’ve been on a salad kick lately. My husband thinks I’m funny, because all I have wanted for lunch and dinner is salad, though not just your standard lettuce ones. Anyhow, I’m excited to share some of them for today’s What I Ate Wednesday! Thanks, Jenn, for always hosting. If you haven’t already, head on over to her blog to see some of her yummy eats!

Peas and Crayons

Breakfast: My usual, No Oat Oatmeal loaded with spinach and topped with strawberries, cherries and almond butter. I look forward to eating this every morning!

No Oat Oatmeal

Lunch: A HUGE salad loaded with leftover roasted butternut squash, red onions, tomatoes, avocado, turkey and a hard boiled egg. This was SO good!

Salad with roasted butternut squash

Snack (pre-workout): A piece of my favorite packaged snack, a KiZE Bar.

KiZE Bar

Dinner: Savory Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with red onions, prosciutto, roasted walnuts and feta cheese.

Savory Roasted Butternut Squash Salad

It’s time to head to Keenan’s first “big boy” swim class. It is the first time that I won’t be in the pool with him, so I’m anxious to see how he does! Enjoy your day!


What is your favorite salad?

When the weather gets warmer, do you find yourself making more “cold” meals?

What is one thing that you ate today?