Halfway through the week! I’m looking forward to Friday because Keenan, my mom and I are leaving for Oregon to visit our good friends for an extended weekend! They last visited us in March, so it will be fun to visit them and take pictures of our growing bellies, since my friend is also pregnant (but with baby #3!).

Before Friday gets here, I have a lot to do, starting with cleaning house today, so I better get moving with today’s What I Ate Wednesday post. Thank you Jenn for always hosting!

Peas and Crayons

I’ve been seeing some other bloggers do a “day in the life” post lately, so instead of doing my usual WIAW post, I thought it would be fun to give you a little look into our day, so here you go…

Between 6:30-7:00 am: wake up by Keenan (he is our alarm!)

7:00-7:10 am: Family cuddle/story time in our bed. Keenan usually brings a couple of books when he runs to our room in the morning.

7:10-7:20 am: Potty time, get dressed (workout clothes for me) and make our beds (I’ve been teaching Keenan to make his every morning, and so far, so good!).

7:20-7:25 am: Put a small handful of cheerios in a snack cup for Keenan while I scarf down a half of a banana with a tablespoon of almond butter. Grab our waters and head outside to workout while Keenan plays. I always forget to take a picture of this snack, sorry!

7:25-8:00 am: Workout (doing a WOD that I created) and play with Keenan.

8:00-8:30 am: Make and eat breakfast. Since I made my Gluten-Free Banana Bars on Monday, we enjoyed some for breakfast yesterday, along with a hard boiled egg and strawberries. They were SO good!

Gluten-Free Banana Bars with Cream Cheese Frosting

8:30-8:40 am: Clean-up and do the dishes.

8:40-9:10 am: Get ready for the day while Keenan plays in his room.

9:10-9:15 am: Brush teeth with Keenan.

9:15-9:25 am: Get Keenan dressed for the day.

9:30-10:30 am: Attended Keenan’s “meet and greet” at his preschool. He was super excited to meet his teacher and see his classroom, cubby, playground and meet some of his classmates! I’m anxious to see howh is first real day goes next Wednesday!

10:35-10:45 am: Put a load of laundry in washer with Keenan’s help!

10:45-11:20 am: Played Just Dance 4 with Keenan

11:20-11:40 am: Made lunch

11:40 am -12:30 pm: Ate lunch with Keenan. We split a turkey sandwich on toasted P28 Bread with avocado, tomato, spinach, wax peppers, mustard and some pesto Gouda cheese that I bought at Trader Joe’s. The sandwich was good, but the cheese made it even better! I just love TJ’s cheese selection! We also had a side of fresh tomatoes with a pinch of salt and pepper…YUM!

Turkey Sandwich on P28 Bread

12:30-1:00 pm: Get ready for Keenan’s nap

1:00 -3:30 pm: Keenan’s nap time and my blogging/work time

3:30-3:45 pm: Snack time with a handful of some of my favorite trail mix that Keenan and I shared!

Costco Trail Mix

3:45-4:20 pm: Prep dinner with my “sous chef!”

4:20-5:30 pm: Did puzzles with Keenan.

5:30-6:00 pm: Played with Keenan outside with his tractors and sidewalk chalk before dinner.

6:00-6:15 pm: Made a salad to go with our dinner.

6:15-6:45 pm: Dinner as a family. I tried a new recipe last night, Bacon and Brie Potato Bread Strata, that I recently stumbled upon and an apple walnut salad on the side. I pretty much followed the recipe, except I sauteed onions with the bacon, added garlic and Italian seasoning and used French bread instead of potato, since I misread the recipe and thought it called for actual potatoes and regular bread. It was AMAZING! I know it isn’t exactly the healthiest dish, but I’ve been craving bacon and good cheese lately, so I figured why not? A little bread and cheese isn’t going to hurt you for one night! We all have to indulge every now and then! My husband loved it so much that he went back for third helpings and Keenan gobbled his up in minutes! I’ll definitely be making it again, but maybe with some crusty whole wheat bread to make it a tad healthier. It would also be a great breakfast dish when you have company! Sorry, the picture doesn’t do it justice.

Bacon, Brie and Potato Bread Strata

6:45-7:30 pm: Get Keenan ready for bed (bath, brush teeth, story, prayers and bed).

7:30-9:30 pm: Catch-up on blogging, return emails and work on a couple of guest posts.

9:30-10:00 pm: Get ready for bed.

10:00 pm Lights out!

Sorry for such a long post, but I hope you enjoyed the little snapshot of our life!


What is your favorite thing that you have eaten today?

Do you love bacon? If so, how do you like it?

What time do you usually wake up and go to bed each day?