Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone’s day is off to a great start. After last night’s horrendous bedtime ordeal, I’m ready to start today off on a better note! Keenan just didn’t want to go to bed last night, making for one crabby mommy! Since nothing has been working, I decided (with the help of my mom’s suggestion) that the only thing to truly “get to him” was to establish a new rule of taking all of his critters away (all nine of them that he sleeps with!) if he gets out of bed.

At nap time, I told him our new rule and he still got out of his bed as soon as I put him down. Needless to say, he went to sleep (unhappy) without his friends. So, at bedtime last night, I reminded him of the rule and sure enough, he was out of his bed in no time. After sternly reemphasizing the rule and taking all of his critters away, Keenan was obviously not a happy camper, which made for one heck of an evening until he finally fell asleep at 9:00! To top it all off, my husband was away for work!! Ugh…I certainly don’t feel like I earned the “mother of the year” award! I can’t stand being frustrated with Keenan, but this whole bedtime thing is getting old FAST and I don’t know what to do. I’m hoping by enforcing our new role, he will finally learn to stay in bed and go to sleep (I’m praying that it works!). At least I got a great WOD in of heavy front squats followed by thrusters and box jumps earlier in the evening before the chaos started!

Sorry to vent, but I had to get that off my chest! Anyhow, onto something fun….What I Ate Wednesday, thanks to the lovely Jenn at Peas and Crayons for always hosting.

Peas and Crayons

Since I haven’t consumed anything today other than water, I’m going to share my eats from yesterday.


No Oat Oatmeal with fresh berries and a dollop of almond butter.

No Oat Oatmeal


A hard boiled egg that Keenan peeled for me, along with a turkey roll, avocado and baby carrots.


Afternoon Snack (prior to CrossFit):

A slice of Kid-Friendly Paleo Nutty Banana Bread with a little almond butter on top.

Kid-Friendly Paleo Nutty Banana Bread


An apple walnut salad with chicken and topped with a sprinkle of feta cheese that I completely forgot to take a picture of amongst the chaos of bedtime issues last night. But, on Monday night, I made one of our favorites that we haven’t had in a long time, Cauliflower Rice (Mediterranean Style). I finally got around to updating the recipe, since it was from a post on my old site. It was SO good and definitely hit the spot!

Cauliflower Rice (Mediterranean Style)

Well, it’s time to make some MUCH NEEDED coffee before Keenan wakes up! Have a wonderful day!


– What is one thing that you ate today?

– Do you make a particular dish that your family loves and requests often? If so, please share!

– Any suggestions on how to get Keenan to stay in his bed and fall asleep easier? I can use all the help I can get!