Happy Hump Day! Since it is Wednesday, I’m linking up with Jenn again for WIAW!

Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats

Before I go into today’s eats, I want to share the recipe for our dinner last night. I prepped everything, but my husband cooked it, since Keenan and I got home late from CrossFit.

Such a satisfying dinner! I love Chinese long beans because they are softer and more flavorful than green beans!

Chinese Long Beans with Italian Sausage: (serves 2-3)


– 2 bunches Chinese long beans (cut in 2-3 inch pieces)

– 3 Italian precooked sausages

– 1 yellow onion (diced)

– 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes (chopped)

– 1 clove garlic (minced)

– 2 Tbsp olive oil

– 2 tsp Italian seasoning

– 1  tsp garlic no-salt seasoning

– pinch of salt and pepper

– feta cheese


1. Steam or parboil long beans until soft.

2. Meanwhile, saute onion with garlic and olive oil.

3. Add sausage, beans, sun dried tomatoes and spices.

4. Cook until sausage is slightly brown and spices are thoroughly mixed in.

5. Divide amongst 2-3 plates and sprinkle with feta cheese on top. Enjoy!

Following my new mode of breaking out of my routine and “mixing things up a bit,” today’s eats were mostly different (except for breakfast; we had our “usual,” since we had to get out the door quickly for Keenan’s swim class).


Keenan: Egg White Florentine in a Mug (except with one whole egg instead of egg whites) with toast spread with pumpkin butter and a few slices of a peach.

Keenan’s lunch…an easy way to sneak in some veggies!

Me: Scrambled egg whites mixed with leftover roasted brussel sprouts with pine nuts and Parmesan cheese, tomato and feta cheese, as well as a few slices of a peach that Keenan and I shared. It was SO yummy!! Leftover roasted brussel sprouts are even better than eating them fresh out of the oven!

My yummy protein-packed lunch!

After lunch:

After seeing Giselle’s post yesterday with her pumpkin pie protein bites, it inspired me to make my no-bake peanut butter chocolate snack balls! I just finished making them, so they have to sit in the fridge for a couple of hours before they are ready to eat. I’m planning to snack on a couple before going to CrossFit later this afternoon.

Speaking of CrossFit, yesterday we did “Fran,” one of the benchmark WODs and I was able to beat my previous time by 1 minute and 30 seconds, finishing in 6 minutes and 31 seconds! I was happy, but I was hopping to finish in under 6 minutes. We are going to do it again in 6 weeks, so I’m hoping to lower my time by at least another minute and 30 seconds!

Such an easy and nutritious snack!

No-Bake Peanut Butter Chocolate Snack Balls:


– 1 cup rolled oats

– 1 cup natural peanut butter (you can use almond butter, too!)

– 1 Tbsp flaxseed

– 1 Tbsp chia seeds

– 2 Tbsp honey

– 3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (I love Ghirardelli!)


1. Microwave peanut butter and honey together for 25 seconds, until they can be easily mixed.

2. Meanwhile, mix dry ingredients together in a medium size ball.

3. Add peanut butter mixture to dry ingredients and mix, until it all comes together to form one big ball.

4. Pour cocoa powder in a small dish. Roll “dough” into small balls and roll with cocoa powder.

5. Place prepared snack balls in a container with a lid and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before eating.

*Notes: The snack balls can be stored in the fridge for up to a week! They make a perfect pre-workout snack!


On the menu for tonight is roasted broccoli with whole wheat couscous mixed with chicken, artichoke hearts, sun dried tomatoes, Kalamata olives and feta cheese. I have been craving artichoke hearts and Kalamata olives lately, so I’m excited for tonight’s dinner!

I just loved roasted broccoli, especially drizzled with balsamic vinegar after it comes out of the oven!

Since I have been in the baking/cooking mode today (and feeling the Fall itch to make things with pumpkin), Keenan and I are going to make pumpkin almond flour muffins when he wakes up from his nap, to freeze for quick breakfasts!

Question: What were your eats today? Did you try anything new? If so, what new thing did you eat today?

REMINDER: There is still time to enter the Drink Chia Giveaway!! Contest ends tomorrow night (Oct. 11th) at 8 p.m. PST! To enter, click here!